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Under the Cowboy's Control

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Selena frowned. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want you to be upset." He stood up and in one controlled movement, grabbed her hand and swept her to her feet. He picked her up and headed to the pond with her in his arms. He waded into the water, and only dropped her to her feet when he was up to his waist.

She clutched at him immediately. The water swirled around her chest and she wrapped her arms all the way around him. "Travis, I cannot swim." Her words came in small gasps.

He held her safely by the arms, and his grip tightened. "Why the hell not?"

"Because I am afraid of deep w-water."

"Why didn't you tell me that this afternoon when I suggested coming to the pond?"

She blushed. "I for--forgot. I was thinking of other things."

Yeah. He knew what she was thinking of. "Well, we'll have to remedy that problem.

But not today. I've got other things on my mind."

He reached down and lifted her face to his. His deep, velvet brown eyes captured her violet ones. "Thank you, Angel."

She gave him a sweet smile. "You are welcome, Travis. What are you thanking me for?"

He reached down between them into the water and found the liquid heat between her thighs. He palmed her firmly. "For my wedding present. The gift of your virginity will be a special memory that I'll take to my grave. You've truly humbled me."

Selena heard his tender words, but the heat he was making between her thighs threatened to burn out of control. She tried to answer him. "Mmmm…"

He slipped a finger inside her. This time, he didn't have to be as careful. She clung to him and moved against his hand. He bent down and lapped at her nipple. Within moments, they were both on fire.

He moved his hands to her waist and lifted her. "Wrap your legs around me."

Selena did as he ordered, and clung to his shoulders as he began pushing inside of her, taking small, jerky thrusts. Finally, he was seated in her completely. He groaned at the tight fit. "Oh God, yeah. That's it." He held her firmly by the butt, both hands wrapped around and underneath her. He controlled the movement of her body. He lowered his head. "Put your breast in my mouth."

Shock and anticipation swept through Selena. She didn't hesitate, and in seconds he was sucking at her nipple, manipulating her up and down as the thrill of sexual excitement arced between them.

Within moments they had both reached a peak, and were coming together, finding each other's lips and fusing their mouths together. Their tongues entwined as the pleasure rushed through them, straining together as one.

When Travis came back down to earth, he was careful to keep a tight hold on Selena, so she would feel safe in the water.

He waded back out of the pond, carrying her in his arms.

Chapter Nine

Three weeks later, Travis was going over the accounts when the phone call came.

He answered, tension gripping him. He knew who was calling. "Blake."

"Yeah, I've got the information you're looking for." The man on the other end of the line didn't waste any time. "The old man died a few years ago, but the grandmother is still alive. And she's not all that old, Travis. She's sixty-five. And she seems to be in good health, man." The running commentary stopped for a moment.

The news hit Travis with equal feelings of gladness and trepidation.

"Yeah, okay. Where's she living?"

"She's living in Fredericksburg. With all the other rich retirees."

"She's rich, then?" Travis was beginning to feel things that he didn't want to admit to.

"Oh yeah, she's rich." There was a pause. "And hold onto your hat, buddy. She knows about her grandchildren. She doesn't know the brother is dead yet, and she's got all her money in a trust for the two of them."

A sick feeling slid down Travis's spine. It felt an awful lot like fear. "So she's not only going to be glad to see Selena, she's going to want a relationship with my wife."

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