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Under the Cowboy's Control

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Selena's world eased into slow motion. She absorbed the subtle nuances of his speech. He called her Selena when he was serious, he called her Angel when he was being gentle, and he called her baby when he was being cajoling.

"You have to understand that I couldn't take the chance of someone hurting you."

His fingers played with hers. "I had to make sure this woman wouldn't deny you, or hurt you in any way at all. I've spoken to her on the phone."

Selena's heart stopped and she clutched his hands in hers and waited.

"Angel, she's a really sweet old lady, and she wants to meet you something fierce.

She loves you already." His words came to a halt.

"Oh my God, Travis." She came into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck and placed her lips firmly on his, in an act of thanksgiving.

"When can I meet her?"

Travis steeled himself. It was happening already.


That night, when he held Selena in bed, he admitted that he had already told her grandmother about the death of her family. He neglected to think of that aspect when he had phoned her, and after telling the woman about his new wife from Mexico, her next question had been about her son, his wife, and her grandson. The questions had thrown Travis for a loop and when he had hesitated she lambasted him. Young man, please have pity on me and just tell me. I would rather know now while I am celebrating the knowledge of my granddaughter.

And so he had.

Selena snuggled deeper into his arms. "Thank you, Travis, for taking care of that burden for me."

His conscious sent him a vicious kick. She was pure sweetness, and she had no idea what a selfish, rapacious, self-serving bastard he was.


Travis and Selena sat in his big, black truck and waited for the electronic gates to open. The house on the hill was huge, made of stone, with an endless landscaped lawn and an explosion of colorful flowers around it.

Selena stared in amazement and excitement. The drive had taken three and a half hours, and she was chomping at the bit.

Travis looked at it with trepidation and a sense of exclusion.

Travis studied the house. Either this old woman had more money than he did, or she just didn't mind spending as much of it. Travis calculated how much it would cost to build Selena a house like this if she wanted one. His mind ran through the numbers. Not a problem. He would call an architect next week.

Travis picked the place for it in his imagination. The little terrace above the live spring that fed his pond. He saw swing sets and slides in the yard, and a tree house in the big old oak tree. Fuzzy images of children running around the yard, pulling at Selena as she danced and played around them.

Jesus Christ, he wanted that with her. Man, he had it bad for her.

Travis pulled up into the circular drive, parked the truck, and turned to Selena.

"You ready for this, Angel?"

"Yes, Travis. I want to meet my grandmother." She waited with her hand on the door handle.

He tried to hide his feelings and attempted a smile for her. "Okay. Let's go."

He came around to her side of the truck, and helped her out, just as she was stepping down. The front door opened before they could knock, and a small, slender, elegant woman stepped out of the house.

Her eyes fell on Selena, and Selena looked back, with curiosity and a bit of apprehension.

The older woman smiled and immediately opened her arms.

Selena hesitated only momentarily, then walked right into the embrace.

Travis watched them hug, and stood to the side in amazement as he looked at the older woman. She was an older, mature, blonde version of Selena. She was about the same height, maybe an inch taller, and although her hips had widened somewhat through a combination of age and childbirth, he could tell she had been exactly Selena's size at one time. She almost still was. Her face held a beauty that was only slightly faded from time. He had never seen so close a resemblance between three generations.

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