Under the Cowboy's Control - Page 56

Travis put his hands on his hips and glared at her. "I tricked you by keeping you here under false pretenses."

Selena frowned slightly. "False pre--pretenses. What is pretenses?"

"I lied to you."

That got her attention. She narrowed her eyes at him. "When did you lie to me?"

"I've been lying to you all along--"

"You were already married? You have a girlfriend? Where is she?"

Travis growled low in his throat. "No. You're just not getting it. You're refusing to see what's right in front of your pretty little face."

Selena shook her head in puzzlement and rolled her eyes. "What is in front of my face that I am not seeing?"

"I forced you to marry me."

"How did you force me to marry you?"

"I took your little ass to Laredo and stuck a ring on your finger and threatened to leave you alone there if you didn't marry me."

Selena smiled. "Yes. I remember."

Travis took a deep breath and blew it out. Crap. Might as well tell her the whole truth. "Selena, baby, I wanted to sleep with you." He deepened his voice. "I wanted to have sex with you."

Selena tried to figure out what exactly was going on in that male brain of his. She was missing something. "Yes, Travis. Of course I know this already. I know you wanted to sleep with me. I knew that when you first kissed me.

Travis studied her face. Why the hell wasn't she angry? She should be angry. "You knew all that time?"

Selena retorted, "You were not trying to hide it. You were mad all of the time. You told me why you were upset."

"And all that is okay with you? You'll cook for me, clean for me, have my baby, all because I want to have sex with you so badly it almost kills me to think of not having you anymore?"

Selena was beginning to catch on. Finally. "No. I do all those things for you not because you want to sleep with me, but because you love me."

Travis stilled. This was it. It had come down to this. "Baby, it's just sex. I can't lie to you. I don't even know what love is--"

He was cut off by her laugh. She sat there, laughing softly at him, swinging her legs again and shaking her head.

"You are a loco man."

"No. I'm not. You are a loco woman to put up with this treatment."

"And you are such a horrible man that you warn me, what? That I should run from you? Take my baby away?"

"You're not running from me. You're not going anywhere. You're not taking my baby anywhere." He bit the words out.

"And why do you care so much if you do not love me? You think maybe you are not handsome enough to get another woman? You are very handsome. You could have another woman like that." She snapped her fingers.

"I don't want another goddamn woman!" Travis was losing it.

"No? Another woman could maybe speak better English, not burn your food.

Another woman might not make you so angry all the time."

"I don't want another goddamn woman. I want you. Only you. Always you." Travis was getting pissed just thinking about another woman.

Selena looked at him and purred, "And why is that, Travis? Because you like to have sex with me?"

Tags: Lynda Chance Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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