Her Heart's Desire - Page 70

“I know it hasn’t been ideal.” He sighed. “And unfortunately, my assignment’s been extended another week.”


Tiffany’s heart constricted at hearing that Ivan’s trip was going to be longer than a week. She wasn’t thrilled to hear the news that he wouldn’t be coming home just yet, but it was his job, his career. She understood.

“You’re right, that’s not ideal news, but we knew going in that it was a possibility.”

He was silent for a moment, and then said, “I…miss you, Tiff. I can’t begin to express just how much.”

Starlight could not have eclipsed her smile. “I miss you, Ivan. And you’re right. Sometimes words aren’t good enough.”

He had to go so they said goodbye. After Tiffany hung up, she sat there a moment. She meant what she said. She was disappointed, but would support him any way she could. His business was as important to him as the Petite Boutique was to her. Somehow, they would make the distance work when he had to travel for business.

Restless, Tiffany decided to focus her energy on her business. She would remain busy to keep from obsessing over how long Ivan would be gone. A sigh of relief escaped her lips. She had a plan.


A week later, Tiffany’s shop was bustling with clientele.

“I guess that new coupon campaign is helping,” she told Celeste.

“I’d say your idea paid off big-time,” she agreed. “It’s a madhouse in here.”

When Tiffany got home that night, she texted Ivan. She waited for a while, but when he didn’t respond, she figured he was busy. Good night, Ivan. With a sigh, Tiffany began working on her website. When her doorbell rang, she set her laptop on the couch and padded to the door. When she looked through the peephole, Tiffany let out a scream. She yanked the door open and jumped into Ivan’s arms, hugging him fiercely.

“What are you doing here?” she shrieked. She kissed him repeatedly.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

“Oh, my God, I’m so happy to see you,” she cried. “I didn’t expect you to come here straight from the airport.”

“Why wouldn’t I? Damn,” he said lowering her to the floor.

“What’s wrong?”

“I forgot something,” he replied, and then kissed her a final time. “I’ll be right back.”

“Wait. Here.” She handed over her house keys. Before Tiffany could say another word, he’d left. Confused, she shut the door.

Tiffany fell asleep waiting for Ivan to return. She was woken up by a soft pressure on her cheek. She opened her eyes to find Ivan tracing a thumb down her cheek.

“Ivan Mangum, where in the world did you go?”

He held up a bag from Oberweiss Dairy. “I got your favorite, Turtle Candy sundae.”

“That’s what you forgot?” she said. “You’re insane. There was no way ice cream was more important than seeing you.”

“Does that mean you don’t want it?” He moved the bag away.

“Don’t be silly.” Tiffany sat up and leaned against the headboard. She held her hand out for the bag.

Ivan took off his shoes and got into bed beside her. She dived into her treat while he sipped his chocolate malt.

“This was a wonderful surprise.”

She laughed, but then turned serious. “Do you know how much I missed you?”

He sat his malt down on her nightstand and faced her. He searched her face for a few moments. “Are you sure that’s not the sundae talking?”

Tags: Lisa Watson Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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