Her Heart's Desire - Page 79

“Sure,” she said, going to her friend. “We’ll be out shortly.”

Ivan cast a glance at Tiffany a final time before he left.

Milán hugged her friend. “It’ll be okay,” she soothed. “You’ll see.”

Tiffany blew her nose again, and dabbed at her eyes. “Is it bad?”

Her friend looked her over. “Yes. You do look like a train wreck, but we can fix it,” she said confidently.

By the time the two friends returned, everyone was back in the living room holding dessert plates. Everyone except Ivan’s grandmother. She had a dessert dish filled to the hilt with ice cream slathered in chocolate, with a cherry on top. She was blissfully happy.

Ivan got up and walked over to Tiffany. “How are you feeling?” he said with concern.

“I’m fine,” she replied. “How do I look?”

“As beautiful as you did a few minutes ago.”

“Ha.” She snorted. “My nose was running, my eyes were the color of lobster and my cheeks were puffy.”

He leaned in closer. “True,” he said, for her ears only, “but I still wanted to lean you over and—”

“Ivan,” she gasped, blushing.

He kissed her rosy nose. “What? I think you’re sexy no matter how you look.”

Milán and Norma Jean exited the kitchen with two trays of champagne flutes. They handed each person a glass as Tiffany stepped in front of the crowd.

“First, I’d like to say thank you all for coming tonight to support Ivan as he embarks on a new and exciting project. I know it means a great deal to him, as it does me, to have you all here to bid him farewell, good fortune and a safe journey on his trip to Dubai. I hope this trip brings Ivan and Mangum and Associates much success now and in the future. So raise your glasses with me and wish Ivan well.”

Everyone clinked their glasses. Next Cole came up and gave a toast.

“Ivan, I know I joke around a lot, but you’re much more than just my big brother. You’re my best friend. I look up to you, I respect and value your opinion, and I’m very proud of your accomplishments. Besides that, that scowl of yours never fails to send the ladies running my way instead of yours.” Seeing the look on Ivan’s face, he added, “Except one.”

The group laughed.

“Here’s to you, Ivan. I love you, I’ll miss you, and I wish you the best of luck.”

Each person took a turn saying kind words about Ivan and wishing him well. Even Cecile stood up and slowly walked over to stand near Ivan and Tiffany. She tapped her grandson on the shoulder and said, “I like her, honey. You did a good job. She’s a little on the small side, but she’s got good hips so she should have no problem cranking out the next generation of Mangums.”

Tiffany blushed almost as deep as the red dress she was wearing. Quickly, Ivan cleared his throat and thanked everyone for coming to see him off.

Excusing herself, Tiffany headed back to the kitchen to get more champagne. When she got there, she placed her hands up to her heated cheeks.

“Well, at least she likes you,” Ivan said from the doorway.

“Thank God I’m built to crank out baby Mangums,” she said, blushing all over again. “She may have just knocked Norma Jean off her pedestal for who can say something to shock the most people in a single night.”

Ivan strode over and picked her up.

“What are you doing?” she hissed. “Put me down.”

“Not till you say, ‘Ivan, you were right, your grandmother likes me.’”

“I’m not saying that.”

He started to tilt her.

“Okay, okay. Ivan, you were right. Your grandmother likes me.”

Tags: Lisa Watson Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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