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Her Heart's Desire

Page 93

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“Ivan,” she called.

“Right here, sweetheart.” He rushed to her side.

Tiffany wrapped her arms around him. “Where were you?”

“Just looking at the storm. Hey, what’s wrong?”

“You were gone. You didn’t come home when you said you would, and then I’m in some strange place looking for you, and I can’t find you. I’m looking everywhere, and each face looks the same. I can’t speak the language, and then I see you and you’re working, but then you turn to come help me and you get hurt, Ivan. I—”

“Shh, it was just a dream, Tiff. You’re safe, and so am I. I’m here, sweetheart. We’re in my bed. Can you feel me?”

She hugged him tighter, afraid to break contact with him in case he was an illusion. She let out a shuddering sigh. “Yes.”

Ivan stretched out on the bed next to her. He rubbed Tiffany’s back in circles hoping to calm her down. After a few minutes, her breathing evened out.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? Having a nightmare?”

She put her arms under her head to prop herself up on his chest. “Yes. I don’t want to worry you…not before you go. You need to be focused on your work, not me. I don’t want you thinking I can’t handle you being gone, because I can, and I’ll never be untrue to you, Ivan. I’ll be a good wife.”

He ran his fingers through her hair. “I know you will, Tiff.” He sat up. “Hey, where’s all this coming from?”

“I’ve never done this before, and none of my relationships lasted. My parents were miserable, but I don’t want you worrying about me when you’re out there doing your job, okay? Your safety is what’s most important. I don’t ever want to be a distraction,” she finished in a rush.

“You aren’t,” he assured her. “You’ll be on my mind wherever I am, sweetheart, but I don’t have any doubts about your abilities, Tiffany. You’re strong, capable and loyal. I know you’ll always protect me and the family that we create together. You’ll be a fantastic wife and mother. Sweetheart, loving you is never, ever a distraction for me. It’s a blessing to me. You’re not jeopardizing my job by becoming my wife, Tiffany. If anything, you’re keeping me safer, because I have someone at home who loves me and needs me to return. You keep me grounded—and focused.” He tilted her face upward so that they made eye contact. “Never doubt that, okay?”

Too emotional to speak, Tiffany could only nod. Ivan held her until she fell back asleep.


“Come on, sleepyhead, breakfast is ready.”

Ivan rolled over. His head was pounding, and he felt like he’d been jumped on in the middle of the night and thrown back into bed. He sat up and observed his awake and extremely chipper fiancée.

“Good morning,” he said hoarsely. “Why are you up so early?”

“It’s actually not that early,” she informed him. “It’s ten.”

“Ten?” Ivan sat up, fully alert. “What is going on with me? I’m usually not a late sleeper.”

“You should be when you can. You don’t sleep nearly as much as you should.”

“Years and years of painful memories,” he answered honestly. “Some things stay with you.”

Sitting on the bed, Tiffany handed him a tray. A look of understanding dawned on her face. “I get it. I’m sorry, Ivan.”

“Don’t be sorry, Tiffany. I did the job that I had to do—and still do. I’m living my dream every day. A few lost hours of sleep are a small price to pay to keep people safe.” He folded a large amount of pancakes into his mouth. He sighed. “Wow, these are incredible.”

“I’m glad you like them. It’s my grandmother’s recipe.”

He nodded. “These are awesome. When you create one, make sure that recipe is in our family cookbook.”

She beamed. “I will.”

“There’s one thing today that’s pretty important that we need to take care of.”


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