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The Sheriff and the Innocent Housekeeper

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He had a lot of stuff to work out in his head about Kyle Bolton. He knew he needed to get over it. It was just his damn ego suffering. He had to believe her. She wanted him. And he was just selfish enough to take her. He needed to be alone with her, to have her to himself for a few minutes. He needed to touch her, to hold her.

They reached the bottom of the bridge and he gave the coins over to the toll keeper. There were quite a few people milling about, enjoying the evening. Several couples stopped to talk to him and ask him questions, and as he was answering them, their curious eyes kept turning to Becky. When he could get away politely, he moved them a bit off to the side, away from the crowd. He kept her by his side, and let the other evening strollers get ahead of them. He picked up their joined hands. He took her palm away from his and laced his strong fingers between hers in a more intimate clasp. He raised their entwined fingers to his lips and kissed the back of her hand. Her lips were trembling as she tried to smile at him.

The sun was just beginning to go down as they crossed to the middle of the bridge. They stopped and watched the serenity of the water flowing below. Hauntingly beautiful, it was completely amazing that they could be standing here together, suspended so high up in the air, above the swirling water down below. They stood together and watched for some moments, until the breeze began to bite as the sun sank deeper.

He felt her shiver beside him. He pulled her body back against his. Her back nestled into his chest and he lightly rested his chin on the top of her head. With his arms wrapped around her, they watched the water together. Becky sighed in sheer bliss. Nothing could ever be better than this. He whispered in her ear. "Are you cold, sweetheart?"

"Yes, but I don't want to leave. It's so beautiful, Jake. The water is so beautiful."

Jake thought of that damn brick house on the river and something like pain made his stomach clench. How could he deny her that? Didn't she understand what she could have everyday of her life if she chose Bolton?

He pushed the gut-wrenching thought aside. He refused to step aside. She was his. She had been his since she was fourteen. No man but him would ever have her. He would see to it.

He moved his lips against her hair and kissed her gently. "We can come here anytime you want, Becky. We can come one day and have a picnic by the river. Would you like that?"

She turned in his arms. "Oh yes, Jake. I would. I would like that." Her lips trembled and her eyes glowed into his.

He knew he shouldn't touch her in a public place. But he couldn't help himself, and it was so dark now, no one would see. He pulled her in and lowered hi

s mouth over hers. Her lips softened as he pulled her lower lip into his mouth. He tasted her sweetness, and let her taste his need. Her lips parted with her ragged breathing. He took advantage and pushed his tongue into her mouth. He felt her go slack in his arms. He held her up and drank deeply of her lips, her tongue, her mouth. She hung, shocked in his embrace.

He lifted his mouth and spoke. "Kiss me back." He breathed in raggedly. "Please, Becky, kiss me back." His mouth lowered again.

Shock faded, and desire took its place as fierce excitement speared through her. Her heart slammed against her breastbone as she felt Jake's tongue slide into her mouth again as she absorbed his words. He wanted her to kiss him back.

Hesitantly, she gave him her tongue. He sucked it into his mouth and swirled it around his. Lights exploded in her brain and her reasoning disappeared. She relinquished all thought and hung in his arms as he continued to savor her mouth. It could have been seconds, or it could have been minutes. But it wasn't long enough.

Jake lifted his head. "Open your eyes." Her eyes blinked, then opened. "You're mine. Understand? From this day forward, you belong to me. All that sweetness is mine." His voice was deep, melting her insides and flowing through her veins.

Oh, God, yes, she didn't want it any other way.

Chapter Five

Miranda stared at Becky in shocked silence. She looked around the empty store and back at Becky. A gentle laugh escaped her. "Yes, silly. Men use their tongues." The two girls stared at each other and flushed. "Didn't you know that? I thought I told you what happens when. . ." Her voice trailed off.

"You told me what happens down there," Becky whispered. "You didn't tell me a man opens his mouth to kiss." Just the memory of last night was enough to make the heat rise inside of her. She could still taste Jake on her tongue, in her mouth.

"Becky, I thought you had been kissed before. I thought Kyle had kissed you. I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I wasn't trying to keep something from you. My gosh, I told you the rest." She finished in a rush.

"I guess I thought Kyle had kissed me. But never like that. He grabbed me a few times and put his lips on mine, but I always got away from him really quickly." Becky didn't know what she would have done without all of Miranda's insight. It was such a good thing her friend was married now.

"Okay, well, did you like it?" Miranda waited with curiosity.

Becky blushed again. "Oh my God, yes. It was the best feeling I've ever had in my life."

Miranda grabbed her by the shoulders and smiled into her face. "Well, guess what? You remember when I told you that some women don't like the marriage bed, and some woman love it? I've come to the conclusion that if you like kissing with your mouth open, you're gonna love all the rest of it."

Becky couldn't wait until tomorrow. She wanted to be Mrs. Jake Cooper more than anything she had ever wanted in her life. From the moment she met him, she had dreamed of him holding her and kissing her. And tomorrow, he would belong to her completely.

Miranda continued, "I shouldn't have told you anything. It was probably wrong of me, but I was so mad at Sarah Williams when she wouldn't tell me. You remember she got married a few months before I did? And even when I was getting ready for my wedding and so scared and nervous, all she would say was, 'You'll find out.' Oh, I could have killed her!" She lowered her voice. "And then it was all so wonderful, there was no need to be scared at all."

Becky envied Miranda for already having all of the marriage secrets. "And you're sure it doesn't hurt?" At this point, Becky didn't think she cared if it hurt or not. She was willing to go through anything to have Jake. She had been waiting for three years.

Miranda was shaking her head back and forth. "At the very worst, you might feel a little pinch the very first time, but it quickly goes away. Don't worry so much, Becky. The sheriff is a kind man, he’ll be gentle. But I'm gonna tell you another secret." She looked around to double check that they were still alone. She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Johnny loves knowing that I love it, too. He told me that all men feel the same. He said that secretly, men want their wives to enjoy the marriage bed. So anything you may have heard differently, isn't true. Men get more pleasure from your pleasure. If you remember that, you should have a good marriage."

Becky digested this new information. The thought of Jake holding her naked, and putting his tongue in her mouth again was almost more than she could bear. The excitement would surely kill her!

"Are you coming with me to pick up my dress this afternoon?" There hadn't been time to sew a new dress for the wedding. She had bought a readymade one, and was having it altered.

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