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Adore Me (Austin Singles 3)

Page 107

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Nash interjected. “Mrs. Delany, you have the outdoor kitchen as well as the large breakfast area to the side of this kitchen, if you would like for your guests to be close to you while you cook.”

Mr. Delany let out a roar of laughter while his wife shot him a dirty look.

“My wife cook? Please. She’s never cooked a day in her life. That’s why we have to pay for two cooks.”

Two cooks? Holy shit. Did they have one each?

This couple had more money than sense. When they came to Venture Architecture, they’d claimed they wanted to build a smaller house now that they were empty nesters. Mrs. Delany’s idea of downsizing meant going from twelve-thousand square feet to eight-thousand square feet, and even that was almost too drastic for her liking. Mr. Delany, on the other hand, wanted it to be no bigger than five thousand square feet. We were currently at sixty-five hundred, and she was not happy.

“Why don’t you take a day or two to really look over the new plans? What you have to remember is that a majority of the time it will only be the two of you in the house.”

Mrs. Delany sighed. “I don’t need to look over the plans anymore. It’s fine. Just build it.”

I turned to Nash and tried like hell not to smile. Barrett Construction was the lucky winner of that bid.

Clearing his throat, Nash forced a smile. “We’re not set to break ground until July tenth.”

“You can’t move that up? You own the company!” Mrs. Delany shrilled.

“No, ma’am. Like I’ve said before, we have other projects that we’re working on, and that is when the foundation crew will be available.”

She rolled her eyes and stomped off toward her BMW convertible. Slamming the door, she started the car and peeled out.

The three of us stood there, staring at the retreating sports car.

“How long do think it will be before she notices I’m not with her?” Mr. Delany asked.

Nash and I looked at each other, then back at the car.

“Do you need a ride anywhere, Mr. Delany?” I asked.

He threw his arms up in the air as he yelled, “Don’t come back!”

Nash had to turn and walk toward his truck to hide his laughter. I stood next to Mr. Delany and silently tried to figure out why in the world he stayed married to a woman he clearly no longer liked.

“You sure you want to get married, Blake?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Pains in the asses, all of them.”

I cleared my throat and motioned for him to follow me over to my truck.

“How about that ride?”

“Nah. I’m going to let her get a good bit away before I call her and let her know she left me behind. She’ll be back. After all, I’m the guy who has all the money to build this”—he gestured toward the surveyed spot of land—“bullshit of a house.”

This time I lost the battle and chuckled.

Nash walked back over and reached his hand out to Mr. Delany. “Sir, it was good seeing you again. Once we get your written approval on the plans, I’ll file them with the city. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get going. I’m leaving for Utah later this afternoon.”

“Utah? What’s taking you there?” The older man asked.

“My wife’s from there. We are going up for a wedding reception and baby shower.”

Mr. Delany smiled. “Well you have a safe trip, and don’t worry. I’ll get her to sign off on the plans, and it will be in your inbox within twenty-four hours.”

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