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Seduce Me (Austin Singles 1)

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Lily’s face screwed up in a look of disappointment. “Of course you do.”

My eyes widened. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

She sighed. “It means it’s always about work with you.” Her voice raised, causing our small group to all turn their attention on both of us.

“What?” I asked, surprised and a little hurt by her sudden outburst.

“It’s always about that damn job of yours. You’ve walked away from everything and ruined things with you and Tucker because of that stupid job of yours. Well, I hope it’s worth it when you’re all alone in life with no one there to love you. Oh, wait. CMI will be there for you.”

I took a step back, my hand coming up to my throat. It felt like I couldn’t breathe. I knew the signs of grief, and Lily was in the pissedoff-at-the-world stage. It still hurt that she lashed out at me.

Nash stood and walked up to Lily. “Lil, now is not the time to bring this up.”

Snapping my head over to him, I gave him an incredulous look. Was this something Lily had felt for a long time? Did she honestly think I put my job before her? Before our friendship?

Lily let out a defeated sigh and looked from Nash to Tucker, and finally back to me. “Just go, Charlie. It’s better for you to not be here anyway.”

I sucked in a sharp breath, then turned to look at Tucker. I didn’t know why I thought he would stop his sister from spewing out hurtful words. All he did was lift his beer and finish it off while he ignored me.

“Lily!” Terri said, standing at my side. “It’s okay,” I forced out. My voice sounded weak, and I hated that. Taking in a deep breath to settle myself, I spoke in a steady voice while trying to remain compassionate. “I’ll go so I don’t upset Lily. Call me if you need anything, okay?”

For some reason, my response pissed off my best friend. She shook her head slowly and scoffed. She then quietly said, “Always the cool and calm one, aren’t you? You’re not in a goddamn boardroom, Charlie! For once in your life, can you show emotion? Tell Tucker how you’re feeling!”

My eyes darted toward him. He didn’t move; he just sat there. Now Noelle looked at me with a smug expression.

Lily wasn’t finished with me though. She got in one more jab and went for the kill. “You didn’t even cry at your own parents’ funeral, Charlie. That says a lot about what’s important to you in your life.”

Terri stepped up to Lily. “That’s enough,” she said sharply.

Anger pulsed through my veins. She was angry and filled with grief, but that didn’t give her the right to take it out on me or mention my parents. My eyes burned, and I was too emotionally exh

austed to fight it anymore.

A single tear slipped from my eye and trailed down my cheek. Blake stood and walked over to me.

“Charlie,” he whispered. The tenderness in his voice moved me, but again it made Lily angry.

She opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by a deep voice.

“Knock it off, Lily,” Tucker finally said. When I turned to him, his eyes grew watery and he stood. He took a step toward me, and for a moment I thought he was going to walk up to me. Instead he stopped when Blake cupped my face in his hands.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded and took a step back, breaking his contact.

Swallowing hard, I pulled my eyes from him and landed my gaze onto Lily, who now wore a look of regret on her face.

Clearing my throat the best I could, I spoke softly. “I’m glad to know how you feel, Lily.”

Her eyes closed. “Charlie, I didn’t mean any of that. Don’t leave.”

I didn’t give her a chance to finish. I stepped around her, wiped my face clear of any tears, and walked over to their mother as I forced my voice to stay steady.

“Mrs. Middleton, I’m so sorry for your loss. If there’s anything you need, or if you’d like to talk, I’m here.”

Patty smiled at me and then pulled me in for a hug. She didn’t say anything, but when she pushed me at arm’s length to look at me, she opened her mouth to speak. She then closed her eyes for a few moments before looking back at me.

“Charleston, thank you sweetie. I know how hard this has also been for you.”

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