Seduce Me (Austin Singles 1) - Page 96

“Yes, you said that, but you also said you loved Charlie.”


“So, I need you to trust me and get your ass in the suit.”

My brows pulled in tight. “What’s going on, Nash?”

“What if I told you that if you went, your life would change forever?”

With a gruff laugh, I asked, “How?”

Leaning forward, Nash placed his arms on his legs and stared me straight in the eyes.

“In the best way imaginable.”

The only way my life could change like that was if Charlie burst through that door and told me she loved me and she wasn’t marrying that dick.

“I doubt it.”

“Will you just go on faith here, Tucker? Please?”

“Nash, you walk in here with a suit, tell me to put it on, and say I’m going somewhere. Why? Where am I even going?”

The corners of his mouth rose. “I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“I promised I wouldn’t.”

“Who did you promise?”


That made my breath hitch and my heart speed up.


The bastard leaned back, shot me a cocky grin, and answered, “Yep. Charlie.”

“When did you talk to her?”

He shrugged. “We talked a few times this week. She said she needed me to help her with something, and I’m helping.”

Leaning over my desk, I gritted my teeth. “Is this her way of getting me to go to her fucking wedding?”

Surprised by my words, Nash shook his head and laughed.

“Dude, will you please just put the fucking suit on and be out front at three? A limo will be here to pick you up.”

He stood and headed toward the door.

“And if I don’t go?” I asked, making Nash pause at the door before turning to face me.

“If you don’t go, you’ll regret it the rest of your life. I can promise you that. I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll talk to you later. Three o’clock, dude. Don’t fuck it up.”

The door to my office shut, and I spent the next ten minutes staring at it, the suit bag, and my phone.

When I couldn’t take it any longer, I picked it up and sent Charlie a text.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Austin Singles Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024