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Seduce Me (Austin Singles 1)

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Nash was right. I felt my parents’ presence. They were with me. For a brief moment I thought about the letters I still hadn’t read. They were tucked safely in my nightstand. I made a mental note to pull them out and read them.

When I pulled back, I took in a deep breath and let it out.

“Is he ready to marry me?” I questioned, my teeth digging into my lip as nerves took center stage.

“He’s more than ready to marry you. I’ve never in all the years I’ve known him seen him this happy.”

My mouth trembled and I fought hard to keep my tears at bay.

“Then take me to him,” I managed to get out.

As we climbed the steps, my heart raced faster and faster. Excitement mixed with nerves and made the most amazing feeling that fluttered both in my chest and stomach. When we reached the top, Lily, Terri, and Jim had already stepped outside.

I nearly lost my composure when I saw Patty standing at the top of the stairs. She was the only parent left between Tucker and me, and I was so happy to see she was here.

She handed me the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I’d ever seen.

“These are … stunning,” I said, pressing them into my face and taking a deep breath.

“Well, they are pretty amazing for a last-ditch effort.”

My eyes snapped up to look at her. “You made these?”

Nodding, she gave a small shrug. “In college I worked at a flower shop. I loved working there and was pretty good at it.”

“I’ll say. They’re perfect for Charlie,” Nash said.

Patty gave him a sweet smile, but her eyes were filled with sadness. She must have known the truth about Lily and Nash.

“Ready?” she asked when she broke her gaze from Nash.

“So very ready.”

Putting my hand through Patty’s arm, I was walked outside with Tucker’s mother on one side of me and his best friend on the other. This was a clear message to me that Tucker intended on making sure that no matter what, I would be surrounded by people who loved both of us. People who would drop everything and rush around to make a wedding happen in three hours.

When we stepped out and I looked at the rooftop, I lost my fight to keep my tears back. White lights were strung up everywhere and had started to cast light over the rooftop.

There were no chairs, just a beautiful arbor decorated in whites and silver that faced the west where the sun had begun to set. Tucker’s family preacher stood under it, with Tucker standing right next to him.

My eyes landed on Tucker. He looked so handsome. When he wiped a tear away, I started crying again. I fought the urge to break free from Nash and Patty and run to Tucker to tell him how much I loved him and how happy he had made me not only tonight, but always.

It seemed like forever before I reached him. It was only then did I see someone standing there with a violin. I’d heard it, but it didn’t compute in my brain that they were there on the roof with us.

Patty took my bouquet, and Nash placed my hands in Tucker’s.

“I know I’m not your father, Charlie, but I’m more than honored to stand in his place.”

My chin trembled as Nash leaned down and kissed my cheek.

He stepped away and I stood in front of the only man I’d ever loved. Tears streaked down his cheeks, and I loved that he was so open with his emotions. Tucker reached up and used his thumbs to wipe my tears away, so I did the same to him.

“I’m sorry Pastor Tim, I know I’m supposed to wait, but I need to do something.”

Cupping my face in his hands, Tucker bent over and kissed me. It was soft, slow, and innocent. Brushing his nose over mine, he closed his eyes and said, “You’re so beautiful, Charleston. You take my breath away.”

My hands clutched onto his arms as I attempted to find my voice. The only thing I managed to get out was something that sounded like “Tucker.”

Pastor Tim cleared his throat and Tucker placed a respectable distance between us. I missed the warmth of his lips, the touch of his hands.

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