Magical Midlife Love (Leveling Up 4) - Page 107

It took no time at all for me to flip him onto his back and lower myself onto him, trapping his hard length between our bodies. I unhooked the necklace, and as I leaned over to place it on a side table, the tips of his fingers glanced off my core. I moaned softly, taking off the earrings and bracelet before moving back over him. I kissed up his chest and along the side of his neck.

He breathed softly, and a glance revealed his eyes were closed and his mouth had dropped open. He lightly cupped my breasts, stroking my nipples. It was an amazing sort of distraction.

I kissed his lips, and he slid his hands from my breasts up around my neck and shoulders. I trailed kisses down slowly, from his chin with the light stubble to the underside of his jaw and then the top of his throat. His breathing quickened, and I couldn’t help a smile. I moved a little slower and a little lower, feeling each hollow between bones. I reached his Adam’s apple and scraped my teeth along it. He shivered under me.

“I’ve never let anyone do that,” he said, spreading his hands down my back.

“What about Destiny?”

“No. She tried, but I never allowed her. I didn’t think I was capable of allowing myself to be so vulnerable.”

“I’ve kissed your neck before.” I lifted up a little and leaned forward, his tip dragging against me and then finding my entrance. I only sat enough to keep it put.

“You didn’t notice, but I moved just enough to keep you to the sides. Not directly down my throat.”

I kissed lower still, at the base of his neck before starting back up. “I couldn’t kill you like this.”

“No, but it’s… It’s hard to explain.” He squeezed my arms as I made another pass, applying a little more pressure this time, feeling his heart thump under my palm. “It’s a vulnerable place. A shifter won’t heal in time from a wound like a slit throat, or someone ripping our throats out. We’d bleed out too fast. Allowing someone access, even like this, is…a feat of trust.”

“You wouldn’t bleed out too fast.” I kissed his lips and circled my hips, toying with pressure, his hard length slipping in just a bit before I moved away.

“Damn it, Jacinta,” he growled, pushing upward. I evaded, not letting him find purchase.

“I’d heal you before you died,” I said against his lips, kissing him hard, moving my body around him. Anticipation built.

“My shield,” he said, pushing his chin up, inviting me in again.

I raked my teeth along his throat as I sat down hard, moaning with the sensation. He crushed me to his chest, control fleeing in an instant. He pumped upward, spearing me deliciously, and I pushed against him, getting him deep.

He sat up, his arms around me, helping me bob atop him, kissing my neck and my lips. And again I was lost to it, unable to think beyond the feel of our bodies intertwined, the heat within me, the feel of him.

I groaned, gyrating, winding tighter, pleasure bearing down on me from all sides, almost unbearable in its intensity.

An orgasm ripped his name from my lips, filling the room. Sensation filled my world. He shuddered below me, and I clung to him, breathing heavily. But he kept moving, going for one more and getting it a moment later. He pulled my hair with his release, and I smiled harder than I ever had as yet another wave of bliss washed through me, cracking me apart and piecing me together again.

I wilted over him in the aftermath, completely spent. So full of warmth and light.

Still holding me to him, he lay back, cradling me above him.

“Sex has never felt this good before,” he said, his breathing starting to even out. “It’s so easy with you. I barely have to try, and I’m always ready. Always. I’m never sated. I’m almost at the point of asking my brother if it’s a medical condition, or part of the mating, or what.”

“If it’s a medical condition, I hope there is no cure,” I said, my eyelids drooping. I felt the rest of the team in the house, having come back sometime during our lovemaking.

He stroked my hair. “We should probably go down to them and discuss what happened.”

“We should. Sebastian doesn’t think that mage is going anywhere.”

Austin was silent for a moment, softly stroking my hair. “Do you think he has access to better forces?”

“Sebastian has reason to believe that he could, and would, buy mercenaries.”

He nodded but didn’t say anything. Instead, he pressed his hands against my lower back and swung upward, hard again.

I put my worries out of my mind and lost myself again in Austin. There’d be plenty of time to worry tomorrow.

Tags: K.F. Breene Leveling Up Vampires
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024