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Ride Me Sweetheart

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“Ignore them. They’ll go away,” she says. Her eyes slowly open as she sits up. “Wait, you fixed the door? When did you do that?”

“After you passed out from nearly choking on my cock,” I tell her with a smirk.

“I did not almost choke on your cock, Stud. You’re a little full of yourself this morning,” she grumbles.

“That’s okay, I guess it’s my turn. You were full of me all last night,” I reason, standing up to button my pants.

“No one should be this smart mouthed so early, Cade,” she says with a yawn. “It’s not a good look. Now, come back to bed and show me how handy you are with your fingers again,” she adds. “If we ignore them, they’ll go away.” I lean down to kiss her, tempted to do exactly that, because I want her again. That shouldn’t be possible after all to the fun we had together last night—but it is. I have a feeling that I’m never going to get enough of this woman. My tongue slides into her mouth and I swallow down her moan of approval, when the pounding on the door happens again, proving Red’s theory a lie. Whoever is down there is not going to go away.

“Jesus, Red,” I grumble, frustrated as fuck. “Is it always Grand Central Station around here?”

“Only since a smart-ass biker with a devil cock came into my life,” she sasses.

“Devil cock?”

“If the cock ring fits.” She yawns again and shrugs, before snuggling back into the bed and rolling over to her stomach, her arms serving as her pillow. I roll my eyes, but she’s ignoring me, with that cherry ass sticking up in the air, taunting me. I stand up, slapping one of her perfectly curved cheeks hard enough to turn the flesh pink.

“Get dressed and I’ll take you out for breakfast, Finley,” I murmur, bending down to kiss the crown of her head.

“I’d rather stay in bed and be your breakfast, Cade,” she counters. I stop at the door and look back at the woman who might be a female version of me, just a hell of a lot sexier and better to look at. I lean against the doorway of the bedroom. She might be perfect if she didn’t live in Colorado. I may have to move, and I’d hate like fuck to give up my club. Shaft and Bree are really the only family besides my brothers in the club that I’ve ever had.

But I’d give them all up for her.

The reality of that hits me hard.

“Changing your mind, Stud?” she taunts, rolling over on her side to look at me.

If she knew what I was thinking it’d probably scare the fuck out of her. That’s a conversation better left for later.

“Either you get out of the bed and go shower, or I can carry you downstairs and fuck you in front of whoever is down there pounding on the door.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she huffs, glaring at me.

“Try me, Red. As long as you’re wearing my cut, I don’t care who watches me give you pleasure.”

“You’re a twisted son of a bitch,” she mutters.

“Definitely,” I laugh, grabbing my shirt and heading downstairs once I see her prancing to the bathroom.

“I hate you,” she calls after me. “If it wasn’t for your Godzilla dick, I’d kick you out of my house!”

I laugh all the way to the kitchen and I’m still laughing when I open the door to find Heavy and Weasel, his road captain, standing at the door. Before I can say anything, Heavy draws back and slams his fist into my face.



“What’s going on here?” I ask when I get downstairs.

I look at my brother and Cade closely. They’re sitting at my kitchen table with Weasel, a member of my brother’s crew. Larry and Cade don’t answer me. Weasel gives me a nod and a lazy smile, clearly finding everything going on amusing. I toss Cade’s cut to him and he grabs it easily. There’s something unreadable in his eyes that sends a small chill through me.

“Hey Finley, baby,” Weasel says with a shit-eating grin.

His chair scoots back a couple of inches as Cade kicks his leg. Since Cade has found his steel-toed boots, that has to hurt. You can’t tell it by Weasel though, he just laughs.

“That’s my old lady you’re talking to asshole, have respect.”

“Old lady?” I ask, my entire insides clenching in shock—and maybe a little excitement.

“I don’t see your mark on her or that she’s wearing your cut. Maybe she wants to see what a real man can do for her,” Weasel purrs.

I do my best not to laugh. Weasel is kind of hot. He’s a little older than Cade, he has brown hair with natural highlights of blonde that is purely from the sun. I know this because Weasel wouldn’t be caught dead in a salon. He’d never touch me though and I wouldn’t him. Hell, he helped raise me.

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