Just Pretend (Love Comes To Town) - Page 25


Forty dollars an hour? Mic drop.

“That good with you?” he asks.

“That’s definitely good with me.” I try to keep my smile from looking too insane or shocked, lest he change his mind.

“Well, then.” He pauses, looking around, although his gaze keeps stopping on me. Maybe my work outfit is a tad too tight? “I’ll let you get to work, then. First article is all you. Just remind our customers that the restaurant is still here, still open and we still love them. I’m going to run to check on the renos, but feel free to check in with anything that you need. Anything at all.”

Did I imagine the husky tone for that last part?

Anyway, he’s leaving, gone now.

And it’s just me, in my office, getting paid $40 to do what I love!

I do a little victory dance for a few seconds, then get to work. I am getting paid for it, after all.

I dash out an article in record time, then brainstorm ideas for a few others while I’m at it.

Then, a knock on my door.

“Come in,” I call.

Nolan pokes his head in. “Hey. It’s lunchtime. I was just wondering if you wanted to go for…”

He frowns, stepping inside. “OK. Fuck that. What I really came in here for, is to do this.”

He strides towards me purposefully and only once his lips land on mine do I realize that he’s actually doing this.

We’re doing this.

His lips against mine blot out everything else.

The force of them, the command. The slightest hint of tongue, then more.

This is everything.

His hands cup my face, his body presses to mine.

As soon as the first thought breaks free, it spills out in words as I pull away. “But Nolan, now we work together and—”

He kisses the next words out of my lips. “This doesn’t have to change anything.”

Which is fine as fuck with me since this man kissing me is all I can think about. All I can be with.

The kiss moves me down onto the desk behind me, presses our bodies further together.

All thought edges away. All that’s left is his lips guiding mine. His hands stroking me, like they’re memorizing my shape.

Nolan Storm. Nolan fucking Storm…

The kiss develops fast and hot and fluid.

Our lips twist as he undoes the top button of my shirt, then the next, and the next.

My hands venture under his shirt to enjoy his muscles. Hello, six-pack heaven…

Meanwhile, he tosses my shirt to the side.

Mid-kiss, I pause. “But Nolan—”

“You’re right,” he says gruffly, striding to the door and locking it. Then he lowers the blinds. His smile lands on me. “That’s better. Now, come here.”

I smirk right back at him, although inside I’m a thrash of uncertainty, want and more want. “And if I won’t?”

“Easy.” He smirks, striding for me, closing the distance between us in two quick paces. “I’ll make you.”

Next thing I know, he’s picked me up and pressed me against the wall. The hard wall behind me, his taut body in front of me, the hardness between his legs pressing out of his work pants into me… holy fuck.

This is really happening.

“Wanted to do this,” he says, kissing me, then pulling away to get a good look at me as his hands stroke my breasts over my bra. “For too fucking long now.”

And then his hands meet together behind my back, undo my bra and let it fall to the floor.

He growls with approval, cupping one bare breast in one hand, then the other in the other. His eyes close with pleasure as he caresses them. “Fucking perfect.”

Our lips meet again. I peel off his shirt—it’s only fair—enjoying his newly-bared muscles and the tattoos. All in black, there’s quotes in other languages, a clock splitting into storms and mammoths, a shape that looks like a country…

He guides my hands admiring his muscles down. “Not quite as interesting as what’s going on down here…”

“Oh yeah?” I say, feeling bold and grabbing him over his pants.

Something warms in me.

Oh hell yes is he hard.

“Yeah,” he growls, with one final squeeze of my breasts before he hikes my skirt up.

His caressing hands move closer and closer, while I can’t seem to take my hands off his crazy-hard cock.

So massive and perfect and hard…

Meanwhile, he’s caressing my thighs so exquisitely that my whole body is atremble.

In one smooth motion, he picks me up and places me on the edge of my desk. Then he takes another good second to take me all in. “That’s better.”

He gives the desk a pat. “I knew this thing would come in handy.”

“Oh yeah?” I say.

Him kissing me again is the answer. His tongue strokes mine while his fingers stroke their way higher and higher.

When he finally presses his fingers into the wetness over my panties, I groan.

“Wet as fuck,” he says approvingly.

Right before he slips his fingers under my panties and inside me.

Tags: Ashlee Price Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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