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Just Pretend (Love Comes To Town)

Page 32

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“Sierra,” he blurts out. “I wanted to apologize. For overreacting how I did when you told me about going through my phone.”

“Hey, it’s not a big deal,” I say, forcing my voice steady. If only I could force my heart steady too. “What happened between us before that, us getting… involved, probably wasn’t a good idea anyway.”

He stands there for a few seconds, digesting my words.

“If you say so,” he says finally. Then he leaves.

My shoulders, which I hadn’t even realized were shoved up in tense stabs, relax back down.

There. It’s done.

No need to worry anymore.

But part of me has to wonder: If I did the right thing, then why don’t I feel good about it?


Next day, it’s more of the same. Nolan and I communicate by texts, though he does invite me out for lunch. I refuse.

Finally, at the end of the day, he corners he in my office.

“Sierra,” he says. “Ms. Hall. Just give me a minute, will you?”

“OK.” I rise.

For whatever reason, I always feel more in control on my feet. Maybe it’s because, in this case, it means I could bolt at any second.

“I screwed up the other day,” he says, frowning around the words. The furrow between his eyebrows somehow makes him even sexier, damn it! “But not by what happened between us. I really like you. I’d like to see you again.”

His words wash over me, warm and tempting.

“But if this messes with our jobs…” I say.

“It won’t,” he says. “No matter what happens between us, you’ll have a job here as long as we agreed on in the contract. That I can promise you.”

“Still—” I begin.

“Give me another chance,” he urges me.

“I don’t know if it’s even that,” I say. “And I’m sorry too, by the way. Going through your phone was shitty and sketchy, and I didn’t feel good about it then, and I still don’t now.”

“Thanks.” His eyes are wary, but his next grin is a smirk. “Know how you can make it up to me?”

“No.” I find myself smiling too. “How?”

He takes a step forward, and my heart skips a beat. “I got us tickets to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Come with me.”

Now my heart skips another. RHCP, holy shit—really?

Although I force myself to just say, “Nolan—”

That smile of his is indefatigable. And sexy. And yummy. “The correct answer would be: yes.”

I sigh, not able to completely hold back my smile. Maybe if I have a bit of time to think about it… “When is it?”


So much for time to think about it.

“Do I have to decide right this second?”

Nolan looks at his watch. “No—but let’s say in an hour?”

“That sounds fair to me,” I say.

I wait until he’s out of the room to do an embarrassing little victory dance.

“Although you still haven’t made up your mind,” I chide myself quietly.

Great. Now I’m talking to myself like a kook.

Really, who am I kidding, though? Tickets to see RHCP?!? And with Nolan Storm, who’s actually sorry and wants another chance with me?

Who would say no?

Although I can’t totally dismiss the little ball of nerves in my stomach. I like this guy too much already. I’m already in too deep.

I end up calling him up.

“Where are you?” he asks, picking up.

“In my office, why?”

“I just thought… Why not just come and see me if you’re still here?”

“Because you could be anywhere with the reno guys,” I lie.

Because I can’t keep my head when you’re around, I mean.

“If you didn’t want to look me in the eye when you rejected me, then can you just get it over with?” he jokes, although there’s a pained note in his voice.

“Do you want me to reject you?” I joke back.

“Do I really have to answer that?”

“I’d like to go,” I say, smile finally growing into a beam. “Tonight sounds fun.”

“Well.” One word and I can hear the smile in his voice too. “It just got a whole lot more fun.”


The day speeds by while I work on the article. God, I love my job.

I send it to Nolan just before leaving.

On my way out, I run into him.

“You’re leaving?” he says.

“I’m not going to the concert in this…” I say, gesturing to my very work-ish skirt suit.

“I just thought before, maybe we could grab dinner and…” He gives a little shrug. “You know what, forget it. I’ll pick you up at eight?”

“Sounds good,” I say with a smile, hurrying out.

I’m not about to admit that my whole body is buzzy and silly-feeling, and that dinner actually sounds amazing.

Back at my place, I’ve barely told Josie and Wynona about the concert before Josie blurts out, “OK, we’re coming.”

At my surprised silence, she groans and probably rolls her eyes. “Not to the concert, silly. To help you get ready. The video chat thing is annoying and I miss you anyway.”

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