The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers 1) - Page 19

Pearl loved announcing their status to anyone who’d listen, as many times as they’d allow in the course of one conversation. Obviously that idiosyncrasy hadn’t changed. But Roman’s reaction to it had. Instead of being annoyed by her single-minded, self-oriented focus, he realized he’d missed his small town and all the different people who occupied it.

Even the peaceful quiet of his morning walk had been a refreshing change from his hectic daily life. How long, though, before the boredom and confinement he’d felt in his youth resurfaced and took over? How long would his enjoyment last once he got hitched? He shuddered to think of his imminent doom.

“Are you sick?” Pearl put a hand to his forehead. “You can’t possibly be chilled on such a nice day. Maybe your mother should be taking care of you instead of the other way around?”

He blinked and realized he’d gotten lost in thought. “I’m fine, really.”

“Well, I’ll let you get going. I’m just going to the bank and then on home. I’ll be by to see your mother later.”

“Say hi to Eldin for me.”

Pearl headed for the bank on First and Roman picked up his pace too. So much in town had stayed the same, but it was the new and different things that interested him now and he headed straight for Charlotte’s store. Now, she was a woman who always drew him, no matter how many times she fought the idea.

Though they were mismatched opposites, she tempted him. Unfortunately, she didn’t meet the one criterion that mattered most, her willingness to accept his travels. His desire to storm the shop and her defenses was strong, but reality asserted itself. Any contact between them could only cause them both pain.

Resigned, he turned to find Rick standing where he’d been last night, watching him with a speculative gleam in his eye. “On patrol again?” Roman asked.

“Just looking out for suspicious characters like yourself.” Rick grinned.

Roman let out a groan and rubbed his burning eyes. “Don’t start.”

Rick eyed him warily. “Someone’s testy this morning.”

Roman hadn’t been until Rick started bugging him. “Later, brother. I need coffee.”

“Ah, yes. To help you wake up so the wife hunt can begin.”

At Rick’s words, Roman’s head began to pound harder.

“Good luck.” Rick walked past him and started for the panty-filled store.

“What gives?”

Rick turned, not a hint of amusement in his gaze. “Business.”

“The panty thief.”

He nodded but said nothing more. He didn’t have to. He’d already given Roman more information than he should have, all off the record. Someone was breaking into the store customers’ homes and stealing one particular brand of panties. Rick figured Charlotte could provide pertinent facts the police needed for their investigation.

“Want to join me?” Rick asked.

Roman looked for signs Rick was having fun at his expense. After all, this was the brother who as a teenager had answered the phone and agreed to blind dates in Roman’s place. But Rick stood waiting, not a grin in sight.

Roman assessed his options. He had none. The woman of his dreams was inside. Roman shot his middle sibling a grateful glance. Though gut instinct and self-preservation told Roman to steer clear, curiosity pushed him inside.

So, he admitted, did his desire to see Charlotte once more.

* * *

Charlotte straightened an outfit on one of the manequins in the store. Glacning up, she saw Rick Chandler and gave him a friendly wave, but her hand froze in midair as Roman followed behind him. She licked her dry lips as she watched them walk through her feminine store.

Side by side, the contrast between the brothers couldn’t be more clear. All three Chandler men were beyond breathtaking. But no matter how handsome, Rick didn’t have the same devastating impact on Charlotte as Roman did. Ever since her return to town, they’d become good pals, nothing more. Even Chase, who more closely resembled Roman in looks, didn’t come near to tipping Charlotte’s Richter scale the way Roman did.

Something about the youngest Chandler brother, his jet-black hair, his confident stride, and his compelling blue eyes, captivated her. Made her yearn for things beyond her control or understanding. She shivered, then let reality return. No matter how good-looking the Chandler men were, none of the brothers were interested in settling down. It was part of town lore. Charlotte couldn’t let it be her downfall.

She shook her head, and then wiggled her arms, fingers, and toes. “Relax,” she muttered aloud. Roman had always been perceptive and she didn’t want him to think her nerves had anything to do with him. Last night had proven he was too cocky for his own good and he didn’t need additional ego stroking.

“Hi ya, Charlotte.” Rick strode up to her, ignoring the panties strewn about, and rested an elbow on the counter she’d returned to, as confidently and casually as if he were surrounded by baseballs and mitts in the sporting goods store down the road.

Tags: Carly Phillips Chandler Brothers Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024