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The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers 1)

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“Ooh, no!” This time Alice shrieked in panic.

Roman, still standing in his doorway, turned back to his bedroom in time to see her kick the pants away. She’d instead yanked up the comforter, wrapping the beige quilting around herself like a shroud.

Strange and stranger, Roman thought and shook his head. “By the way,” he said to Alice. “Dr. Fallon’s here too. But don’t worry. Thanks to years of doctor-patient confidentiality, I’m sure he knows how to be discreet.”

Besides, Roman thought, things could be worse. It could be Chase, Mr. I-Only-Report-the-Facts, pounding up the stairs behind his mother.

Raina reached the top step and walked up to him. Roman blocked her view of his room as best he could. “Hi, Mom. Feeling okay?” He glanced over her shoulder to where Eric stood behind her.

“The stairs winded me. Let’s sit on your bed and talk.” She started to push past him and he gently held on to her arm. “You can’t go in there.”

“Who’s there? Is it Charlotte?” she asked, sounding excited at the prospect.

“No, it’s not Charlotte, now please—this is a big enough mess without you getting involved or upset.” Raina shook her head and tried to see over his shoulder.

Behind her, Dr. Fallon rolled his eyes, as if to say, Once she’s on a roll, I can’t stop her, something Roman understood too well.

“Okay, see for yourself,” Roman whispered, putting a hand to his lips, silently asking his mother to keep quiet. It wasn’t his job to protect Alice from her stupidity, but he’d rather Raina take a quick peek and disappear than humiliate the woman by bulldozing in.

He stepped into the room, his mother behind him, in time to see Alice trying to open the window with shaking hands. But as Roman immediately realized, the latch was secure and Alice was in no jeopardy of height or success.

“I think we should let Eric take care of her, Roman. She’s obviously disturbed and upset,” Raina whispered, then grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room.

Realizing he faced his mother in his underwear, Roman snagged his jeans, which he’d left on the floor. He’d survive the embarrassment better than Alice. “You’re right. Let’s go downstairs, okay?” Roman led Raina out.

He quickly detoured into the bathroom to pull on his pants, then he returned to the kitchen in time to see his mother take a spoonful of antacid liquid.

“Would you make me some tea?” Raina asked. “All this excitement’s gotten to me.”

He glanced at her, concerned. “Are you sure it’s just heartburn? Nothing heart-related? I can get Eric—”

“No. I’m fine. Just some normal indigestion.” She patted her chest. “That girl needs Eric more than I do right now.”

“Just don’t neglect your health if something’s really wrong, okay?” He checked the teakettle for water, then turned on the burner beneath it.

“I think Alice could use a sedative and a good talking-to. What was she thinking?” Raina shook her head and settled herself into a chair.

“That reminds me. What were you thinking, leaving the house wide open?”

“May I remind you, in the lifetime I’ve been living in Yorkshire Falls there’s never been a reason to use a lock?”

“Five thefts over the last week isn’t enough of a reason for you?”

“I agree, and we’ll discuss that later.” Eric walked into the room. “Alice is waiting in the hall—fully dressed,” he said in a lower voice. “I’m going to drive her home. I promised her that word of this wouldn’t get out.” His gaze settled not on Roman, who had every reason to keep this incident quiet, but on Raina, who Roman figured would love to burn the phone wires and share her eventful night with friends.

“I’m sensitive enough to know when to keep quiet,” she said, hurt flashing in her eyes.

Roman placed his hand over hers. “I’m sure he didn’t mean to insult you, Mom. He’s just being cautious.”

“Exactly. Thank you, Roman. Raina, I’ll call you.” Eric’s voice softened. “I’m sorry our evening got cut short.”

“I appreciate you getting me out of the house. You know the boys feel better about my health when I’m with you.” She gave him a wary glance. “I’ll just enjoy tea with my son. You and I can always spend time together.”

“Tomorrow night works for me.”

“Let’s stay in tomorrow, okay?” Raina expelled a prolonged sigh.

Eric stepped forward, but she waved him away. “A cup of tea is all I need. Norman’s grease is just lying in my chest. Someone ought to break into his place and steal all the lard from his cabinets.”

Eric laughed, then turned to Roman. “I’m not sure whether to tell you to watch out for your mother or yourself.” He chuckled and before Raina could respond, Eric walked out, leaving her without the last word.

The teakettle began to sing and Roman stood up to get it. “You know, I think Dr. Fallon’s good for you.”

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