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The Bachelor (Chandler Brothers 1)

Page 61

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“Did he call?”

Beth’s eyes filled with tears. “I called him and when he rushed me off, I called back and ended things—and you’re interrupting.” She abruptly changed the subject.

Charlotte recognized the avoidance technique but couldn’t remain silent. “You ended it?” She rushed around her desk to hug her friend. “I know it couldn’t have been easy for you.”

“No choice.” Beth shook her head, obviously choked up.

Charlotte stepped back and sat on the corner of her desk, dangling her legs off the side. Now that she knew to look, she realized Beth no longer wore the sparkling diamond on her left hand. “And he just let you break up with him?”

“I think he was relieved.”

“That asshole.”

Beth laughed, but tears filled her eyes. “Well, I agree, but I’m the one with the bigger problem, you know? I let myself get involved. I never looked deep enough or admitted this was a tendency he had.” She shivered. “Let’s change the subject, okay?”

Charlotte nodded. She didn’t want to add to her friend’s pain.

Beth leaned forward, resting her elbows on the arms of the chair. “So let’s talk about you and how those flushed cheeks and sounds of pleasure have nothing to do with the chai tea.” Charlotte rolled her eyes, but Beth ignored her.

Leave it to Beth to turn the tables and put Charlotte in the hot seat. She held up both hands in front of her. “I take the Fifth.” Anything involving herself and Roman was too personal to discuss. Even with Beth.

“Aha!” She sat upright in her seat.

Charlotte narrowed her gaze. “What?”

“Taking the Fifth means you have something to protect. Something private.” Interest sparkled in the depth of Beth’s eyes as she leaned forward. “Come on, fill me in. You had more than a date, right? Please let me revel in your good news. I have so little of my own.”

Though Charlotte felt badly about Beth’s current problems, she also recognized when she was being played, and Beth did it well. “How about this?” Charlotte offered as a compromise. “When I have news, I promise to share. Right now all I have is … hope.” Hope she held close to her heart, too afraid to let it into daylight for fear her dreams would be just that—and she’d be left alone, like her mother.

She met her friend’s concerned gaze. “If I had something to tell, you’d be the only person I’d talk to.” She leaned forward and squeezed Beth’s hand. “That’s a promise.”

Beth exhaled hard. “I know. I just hate being the only one revealing all her problems and weaknesses.”

“You are not weak. You’re human.”

Beth shrugged. “Let’s drink up.” She raised her Styrofoam cup. “Cheers.”

“Cheers.” Charlotte finished her now lukewarm tea in a few satisfying sips. “So. Do you mind tending shop today? I’m going to hole up in my apartment and crochet.”

“Oooh, sounds exciting.”

“Not really.” She laughed. “But the money that’ll come in when we deliver the finished goods is definitely worth the hours of television watching I’ll have to endure.”

Beth rose. “Better you than me.”

“I’ll meet up with you at the Little League game later, okay?” Charlotte’s Attic had sponsored a team and Charlotte tried to get out and cheer the kids on as often as possible. Though the season was barely under way, they’d already played twice and were going into tonight’s game with a winning record. She thought of them as her team and was proud of every hit and catch made.

Beth shrugged. “Why not? It’s not like I have anything more exciting to do.”

“Gee, thanks,” Charlotte said wryly.

“Actually, I’m serious. Watching the game beats an evening of solitaire.”

Charlotte tossed her empty cup into the garbage can. “Sad as it is, the game is the highlight of my day too.” Unless Roman stopped by. You will be seeing me, he’d said, and her stomach twisted in coiled knots of anticipation. She couldn’t wait.

“My heart bleeds for you.” Beth eyed her with a complete lack of pity.

Charlotte laughed, “Yeah, yeah. Just bring dinner, because after a day of hard work, I’ll be starving.” By agreement, Charlotte and Beth alternated supplying food. Last week they’d frozen over fried chicken, and with the temperature dropping, tonight would be no different. “Don’t forget your jacket.”

“Yes, Mom.”

At Beth’s words, an odd flutter took up residence in her chest. Maybe it was her biological clock that caused the accompanying lump in her throat because it certainly couldn’t be a sudden desire for children. Roman’s children.

Keep an open mind. But the man was still a traveler, by choice and by occupation. No way could she open her mind that wide.

Or could she?

* * *

Later that day, Charlotte’s hands were tired, her shoulders stiff, yet she had a sense of accomplishment running through her veins. She’d crocheted, sewn, and put in a full day’s work. Then she’d painstakingly hand-wrapped a light blue pair of panties and delivered them to the next person on her customer list before stopping by the general store for some staple items for her refrigerator.

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