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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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I enjoyed them as well, so I understood his pleasure. It was nice to see a man confident enough with himself to admit it, though.

“You liked my birthday suit a bunch last night.”

“I did.”

“I was hoping you liked it enough you would want to spend some more time with me. Like all weekend.” He eyed me intently. “I’m not ready to give you up yet.”

“I’d like that.”

He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, looking earnest.

“I want to get a few things, and I’d like you to come with me.”


“Gracie, I live in a high-rise. The twenty-third floor.”

“Oh. Right—you said a BAM building.”

“Yes.” He sighed and settled back in the chair. “You stay here, and I’ll go. I’ll come back as quickly as I can.”

“No, I’ll come.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. As long as I can prepare, I can do it.”

He reached for my hand. “You can have as much time as you need.”

I felt a ripple of nerves flow through me, but I nodded. “Okay.”

He squeezed my fingers. “I’ll be right there with you, Gracie. Promise.”

At his building, I peeked in the elevator, pleased to see it was larger than many and well lit. The doors shut as I stepped back into the hall, taking a final moment to collect my thoughts. Jaxson stood beside me, silent and patient. With a long exhale, I pressed the button, and the doors slid open once again.

“Fast,” I observed.

“It’s early, and yes, it is a fast elevator. We’ll be in and out before you know it,” he encouraged.

I stepped in, my heart rate picking up as it always did. Jaxson looked at me, concerned. “Okay?” he asked, his finger hovering over the control panel. “We can do the stairs.”

I reached past him and pressed his floor. The doors shut, and I stepped back against the rail without a word. Jaxson stepped in front of me, cupping my face. He leaned close and brushed his lips over mine. “You’re amazing.”

His touch helped. It centered me, and I gripped his wrists, holding them tight. “Jaxson,” I breathed.

He kissed me again, sweeping his tongue inside and deepening the kiss. Instantly, my focus was on him. His touch. His taste. He surrounded me, and with a shiver, I lost myself to him. I was shocked when the doors opened again and he drew me out of the elevator. My rapid heartbeat had nothing to do with panic and everything to do with the man grinning at me.

“That was easier than normal.”

He winked. “I guess I need to be your elevator service guy. Like a guide dog, but with hands.”

Relief made me giddy. “Will you wear a collar and a lead?”

He wrapped his arm around my waist, tucking me close. “For you, Gracie, I think I would.” His eyes darkened. “Maybe we could find a use for them other places.”

I laughed. This man. This crazy, unbelievable man. He was so amazing and didn’t even realize what he had just done.

Or what he was doing to my heart.

His apartment was a decent size for Toronto. Tastefully equipped with heavy, masculine furniture in neutral colors. He told me to wander around as he headed to his kitchen. There was a small office, a nice bedroom with an en-suite, and his living room had a good view of downtown. With fall surrounding us, the leaves were changing color, and it looked pretty. I headed to the kitchen to find him pouring boiling water into a French press. He took two mugs from the cupboard.

“I need real coffee.”

“My Keurig isn’t real?”

“Not like this. I buy the beans freshly roasted and grind them myself.” He made a face. “I drink the swill at the office because I have to, but here at home, I like the real stuff.” He inhaled. “Rich, bold, perfect coffee.”

“So, you’re a coffee snob.”

“Yes.” He winked. “Once you taste this, you will be too.”

He disappeared and returned a few moments later, dressed in a long-sleeved Henley and jeans. The dark gray of his shirt set off his blue eyes, the sleeves tight on his arms. His jeans hugged his ass, and suddenly, I realized what he meant about my pants. He looked indecent. As if he knew what I was thinking, he winked as he slowly depressed the plunger. The aroma in the room intensified, and I inhaled in appreciation.

I took the mug he offered and sipped. Bold, rich, delicious coffee hit my tongue. The flavor was outstanding, the brew every bit as good as he claimed.

“Divine,” I said. “Oh my god, that is so good.”

“I told you.”

I took another sip. “How am I ever going to go back to the other stuff now?”

He laughed and bent, kissing my forehead. “I got you, baby. I’ll feed your addiction.”

“What if I’m addicted to more than just your coffee?” I asked.

He edged closer. “Now that, I wholeheartedly approve of.” He cupped my cheek and kissed me. “Come sit with me.”

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