My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 53

I smiled grimly as I got ready for bed. I was sure he assumed I wouldn’t come in the rest of the week. That he would speak to Lynn and never have to deal with me again.

He had a surprise in store for him. An even bigger one than what he dropped on me.

And he wasn’t going to like it.

I was at my desk the next day by seven thirty. I dressed carefully, my hair perfect, my makeup covering up the dark circles under my eyes. I looked tired, but it was easily explained by the migraine I had claimed to have had the day before.

Michael looked surprised to see me when he walked in, asking solicitously about my head. I assured him I felt much better. I indicated Jaxson’s closed doors. “Not in yet?”

Michael shook his head. “He texted me last night about a meeting outside the office this morning. I had to rearrange his schedule.”


He rolled his eyes. “Girl, you picked a good day for a migraine. He was on a tear of epic proportions. I haven’t seen him that bad since…well, I can’t remember.”

“Sorry I missed it,” I stated sarcastically.

“The yelling, the cursing, and the slamming of the door.” Michael sighed. “It was constant. He had a fight with no fewer than two lawyers and at least three clients.”

I lifted my eyebrows in surprise. Jaxson was known for arguing with fellow coworkers. He was usually more circumspect with clients.

“Must have been having a bad day.” Personally, I hoped it was terrible.

“No doubt.”

I turned to head back to my desk when the door to the office opened, and Jaxson strode in. His face was like thunder, his eyebrows drawn down, his mouth set in a frown. He startled seeing me.


I walked past him with a nod. I picked up my coat, ignoring him. “Michael, I am going to get coffee at the Hive. You want one?”

“Oh, a latte, please,” he replied, answering the phone.

I grabbed my wallet. “Okay.” I brushed past Jaxson. “Excuse me.”

“Nothing for me, thanks,” he snarled, his voice low.

I paused, meeting his eyes. Icy blue irises glared at me. I frowned benignly. “I’m sorry, Mr. Richards. I assumed if you wanted something, you’d have gotten it already. You’re good at looking after yourself.”

I swept from the office before he could reply. I hurried to the stairs, ignoring the way my heart had picked up when I saw him. I refused to acknowledge the fact that he looked even more tired than I felt. That there had been a flare of something in his eyes when he saw me.

I had to remember that, as of Wednesday, we no longer mattered to each other.

I wished my heart had gotten that message.

I drained my coffee and drew in a deep breath. Michael was busy in the file room, and Jaxson and I were alone in the office. I approached his door and knocked.


I entered, and he looked up, surprise flitting across his face when he saw it was me. We had been careful to avoid each other all day, using Michael as our unknown intermediary. He was used to Jaxson’s whims, so it didn’t throw him that suddenly all my work lists were being handed to him first today. He simply rolled his eyes and kept going. I was grateful for his lack of curiosity.

“Yes, Ms. VanRyan?” Jaxson asked, his voice cool. Removed.

I sat across from him, crossing my legs. It was not a fluke I was wearing the pants he loved to despise and the blouse that drove him to distraction. He could pound sand over my wardrobe choices from now on. I matched the tone of my voice to his, keeping it cool and detached.

“I don’t want to be transferred to Lynn.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I applied to this firm to work with you. I wanted to learn from you. Despite everything else, you have taught me a great deal, and I want to continue with that.”

“Perhaps I don’t want to continue.”

I lifted my shoulders. “Frankly, I don’t care. You agreed to mentor me. I have a short time before I leave on holidays and two months left with you when I return. If I can be an adult and stand being around you, you can do the same thing. As you pointed out the other day—” I smiled without warmth “—you are far more mature than I am. Surely that should be easy for you.”

He studied me for a moment. “Are you certain that is what you want?”

I embraced my anger and met his steely gaze with one of my own. “No. I want to be as far away from you as possible. I don’t want to see you—ever. But this is my life. My future. You may have fucked me over personally, but I won’t allow you to do that to my career. People will talk. Question why you sent me away. I won’t have that following me as I begin my law career.” I tapped his desk. “You are going to be a professional and treat me the same way. I don’t give a damn if you don’t want to. You owe me that at least.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024