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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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Chapter 19


Jaxson followed me on the plane. I slipped into the third row, frowning when he took my case from my hands, slid it into the overhead bin, added his, and sat beside me.

“You said separate seats.”

He shrugged. “The booking came from the same office, so they assumed the request was incorrect.”

“Did you check if there was another empty seat?”

“Yes. The plane is full.”

I snapped my seat belt into place and raised the window covering, taking a deep breath. That was a mistake since Jaxson was leaning over me, and his familiar scent permeated my lungs, filling me with yearning.

“What are you doing?” I hissed.

“Staying close. I’m going to assume flying must make you anxious, and I know having me close helps.”

“That was before,” I huffed, refusing to meet his eyes.

“Still, I think,” he replied.

I twisted my body so that I faced the window, not wanting him to know he was right. In the elevator, his presence helped me. Knowing he’d be beside me during the flight made me relax. I didn’t understand it, and I didn’t like it. I needed to stop this madness.

But as the plane roared down the runway and I tensed, the feel of his hand wrapped around mine, his thumb stroking soothing circles on my skin, helped to lessen my anxiety.

And the madness continued.

Jaxson moved away once he felt me relax. I was tired and leaned my head back, wanting to sleep. I drifted away, dreaming silly things. I felt his lips on my forehead, heard his voice in my ear telling me everything was going to be fine, felt his fingers running through my hair. All of which I knew couldn’t possibly be true. I woke to him shaking my shoulder, telling me we were about to land. I sat up, disoriented. He shut the cover of his Kindle with a snap.

“You slept the whole way.”

“I hope I didn’t snore.”

He rolled his shoulders with a wink. “No, but you were pretty cuddly.”

I gaped at him, and he grinned and patted his shoulder.

“I did not.”

“A gentleman never tells.”

“Then it should be easy for you to speak. You are no gentleman.”

He winked. “You would know, Grace.”

I turned away, flustered. He was in far too good of a mood. But I refused to be drawn into it. Just because we were away from the office didn’t mean I had forgotten what occurred.

He was courteous and helpful in the airport. The drive to the hotel was quiet, although our driver chatted, pointing out landmarks and giving us advice on what to do in the city while we were there. Neither of us bothered to explain we had no interest other than business.

At the hotel, I was surprised when the staff member directed me to the right of the main floor. “Garden-access rooms are down that way. We have confirmed your late check-out for tomorrow. Enjoy your stay.”

Jaxson followed me down the hall, passing me. “Enjoy your evening, Grace. I’ll be working, but I’m close if you need me.”

No elevator. I knew he’d made the arrangements just for me. He liked higher floors for the views they offered.

“Jaxson?” I called quietly.

He turned.

“Thank you.”

“Be ready for nine. We can have coffee, and the car will be here by nine thirty. Get some rest, Grace. Maybe have a swim. I hear the pool is great.” He disappeared into a room down the hall.

I went inside, glad that Heather had shoved my swimsuit into my case.

“You can’t be in Vegas and not swim,” she insisted. “I’m sure your hotel will have a pool. It’s hot!”

I peeked out the drapes with a sigh. It was hot here. It had felt as if I’d stepped into a blast furnace when we walked outside. The water in the pool beckoned, glinting in the late-afternoon sun. Maybe a swim would feel good. Then I would have dinner and go to bed early. Heather would be aghast that I had zero plans to take in any casinos or shows. She would make the most of every moment she had if she were here. If Reed were with her, she might even follow in Aiden and Cami’s footsteps and marry him. That was the difference between us. I had no desire to explore or do anything as clichéd as gamble to extremes, gorge on a buffet, or marry in haste.

I was going to do my job, head home, and hope my heart would stop this incessant yearning for the man I couldn’t have. Who didn’t want me.

I turned from the window, shaking my head.

Somehow I knew, of all the things I had to do, the last one would take the longest.

The next morning, I waited by the front door, staying under the overhang. Jaxson had sent me a message instructing me to meet him there.

Even though I had slathered on the sunscreen I’d bought in the gift shop, my skin still felt the heat from yesterday’s sun. Hardly surprising given my fair skin, but I was glad I hadn’t burned badly. My shoulders and back were a little pink, and the end of my nose shone brighter than usual. Thank goodness for aloe. I hadn’t seen Jaxson at all since we arrived. I’d walked across the street to a little place and brought a sandwich to the room and ate it sitting under an umbrella by the pool. I read some and was in bed early, although I tossed and turned most of the night. He was close. Right down the hall. How on earth I could feel him with walls and doors separating us, I had no idea, but I swore I could.

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