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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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“I don’t think so, darling. I don’t believe in divorce.”

“You don’t believe in love either, and I won’t be trapped in a marriage of convenience.”

“How convenient is it then that we can’t keep our hands off each other?”

Her eyes widened and her fury grew. “I would like to punch you,” she said, a false smile on her face. “But my family is watching, and it’s Christmas. Enjoy the day, Jaxson. Stay away from me.”

She turned and walked away, her head high. I noticed Katy watching us, the rest of the crowd seemingly occupied. I smiled at her and waved, hoping I looked relaxed.

I wasn’t sure I was fooling her, though.

I had never experienced anything like a Christmas Day with Grace’s family. The love that surrounded them was astonishing to me. They all got along. They all liked one another. There was laughter and joking. Teasing and fun. And they included me in all of it. Even the gift exchange.

When Addi announced it was time, I felt the pang of being the outsider. The unexpected person sitting on the edge of this enormous, loving group. I had waved her off, telling her I planned to take the time to read, but she had refused my excuse, pulling me along with her.

“No, you have to come join us.”

“This is for family. Your gift time. I’m quite fine on my own,” I protested.

She leaned close, smiling at me. “It’s Christmas, Jaxson. Santa visits everyone here.” She tugged on my arm. “Everyone.”

A reluctant smile tugged on my mouth. “I don’t wish to intrude. It wasn’t my intention.”

“You aren’t intruding. And you have to come.”

She was as hard to resist as Grace. She pulled me along, refusing to take no for an answer. Brayden watched us with an indulgent look on his face, his love for her written all over him. I understood his infatuation totally, although I wasn’t allowed to express mine.

When I was handed my first of many gifts, I was dumbstruck. I had no idea how to explain to any of them that I had never once had a Christmas. Never been part of a family. That I had never sat beside a tree and held a gift, the unknown contents exciting. The scarf the box contained was handsome and soft. A simple gift to many, but to me, quite profound. There were some other thoughtful gifts for my desk, even a bottle of scotch from Grace’s grandparents. Nothing, of course, from Grace, but I didn’t expect it.

We ate lunch, and I stayed as close to Grace as I dared. It was interesting for me to see the family dynamics as they gathered. Watching the parents with their offspring, once again marveling at the affection between them all. After the gifts and cleanup, people began separating, drifting to various activities, or for many—a nap. Taking advantage of a lull in the storm, a small group went skating on the frozen ice close to the beach. Aiden planned to build a fire and went to seek out sticks to whittle for a marshmallow roast later. Some went to play more games in the large area downstairs. I wandered the building, taking in all the thoughtful details. The small library. The pool. The worn-in furniture. Despite the size, it was homey and obviously a well-used building. Now that I had seen the little community they had, I understood Grace’s desire to live here. As I stood looking out the window at the homes surrounding the area, I felt a strange yearning once again tug in my chest.

Grace appeared beside me. She had been exceedingly polite since our talk, not wanting to draw any attention to us, no doubt.

“Enjoying your day?” she asked, playing the part of hostess. “Can I get you anything?”

“Yes, actually.”

She frowned, obviously expecting me to say no. “Coffee? Wine?”

“No. A walk.”

“Pardon me?”

“I want to take a walk. With you. Outside. Somewhere private.”

“Is that completely necessary?”

I met her gaze, lowering my voice. “It’s Christmas, Gracie. I’m asking.”

“Fine,” she huffed. “I’ll meet you outside.”

Chapter 25


Ten minutes later, Gracie led me down a path away from the Hub. In the distance, I could hear echoes of laughter coming from the lake as the skaters chased one another. I could smell the fire Aiden had started, the smoky aroma filling the air. We walked into the trees, stopping in a clearing.

She whirled around, a frown drawing her pretty mouth down.

“Okay, Jaxson, we’ve gone far enough. You wanted privacy, you got it. Now, say whatever it is you want to say.”

I glanced down at the tracks in the freshly fallen snow and wondered if they had been made by Aiden scouring the brush for twigs or someone else. Grace crossed her arms, tapping her boot-covered foot in the snow, not even noticing there was a chance we could be overheard.

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