My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 88

“Why did she do this? Did she think you’d sleep with her then?”

“No, she knew that would never happen. But she liked to see me miserable. She knew seeing you every day would kill me, and she loved that. To have something over me. That’s how she works. She is well known for her tactics—in and out of the courtroom.”

A small flicker of anger lit within me. “You never thought to talk to me, Jaxson? That maybe between us, we could have figured out something? Pretended a breakup, or I could have gone to another firm?”

“It wouldn’t have worked. She was watching too closely.”

“So, you thought breaking my heart was the best thing.”

“I thought you’d get over it.”

“I can’t believe you just said that. Do you think I’m that shallow?”

“No, I think love is.”

My anger kicked up a notch. “So, you dump me to protect me, then you marry me. How does that make sense? Doesn’t that give her more ammunition?”

He sat across from me. “I read and reread my contract. Had a colleague who specializes in employment contracts confirm it. I found a loophole. She can’t touch you. Or me.”

I blinked. “What?”

“It meant we could be together.” He frowned. “I missed you. I missed being with you.”

“You married me because you missed me?”

“Among other things.”

“Other things?” I prompted.

“Our physical connection is strong. Fucking you is a pleasure,” he admitted. “I enjoy your company as well.”

“Fucking me is a pleasure,” I repeated slowly, unable to believe he said those words.

Exactly how much had he had to drink?

I cleared my throat. “Do any of those other ‘things’ include love, Jaxson?”

“You know how I feel about that. I care for you, but…” His voice trailed off, his silence saying it all. He cleared his throat. “Nothing lasts forever. I told you that.”

“So, now we’re married, and you don’t miss me anymore. What’s next?”

“We’ll figure that out as we go along. However long we have together, we can enjoy it.”

I had to grip my hands to stop from shouting at him. “Let me get this straight. You broke up with me because some vindictive bitch threatened to ruin my reputation, then you married me because you found a loophole and you missed being with me physically. You expect me to stay married to you because you enjoy fucking me, and basically, as long as it lasts, it lasts?”

He scratched his head. “When you say it like that…” He trailed off again, then cleared his throat. “I married you because I didn’t want to be without you, Grace. I missed you for a myriad of reasons.” I waited for him to say something else, to add more to his words, but he didn’t.

“Sabrina can still go to the partners. She can still make trouble. Have you thought of that?”

“Yes. I have a plan.”

“Care to fill me in?”

“Not yet. But I’ll protect you, Grace. Being my wife affords you that as well.” He lifted his arms. “And you get me.”

I knew he was trying to lighten the atmosphere. Make me smile. But I was far from smiling.

“You’ve been reading too many of my historical novels, Jaxson. I don’t need your protection. I’m a grown woman capable of taking care of myself. I certainly have no desire to be kept in the dark and fed bullshit like a mushroom. Because that is what your idea is. Bullshit. Marriage is a partnership. Not one person deciding what is best for the other. Not one person changing the other’s future without consulting them.”

“I did what I thought I had to do. She would have destroyed you.”

I met his gaze. “So, you did that instead.”

“It killed me. I had no choice.”

“No, you did. You simply decided on your own. And you decided wrong. I want out, Jaxson.”

“No. Stay with me. We’ll get a place together—one where you are comfortable. We could have a lot of fun. We could travel and explore. We get on well. The marriage doesn’t have to end.”

“Until you get tired of me.”

He stepped forward. “Grace—”

I held up my hand, stopping him. “No. I will not be trapped in a loveless marriage, Jaxson. I want it all. I want what my parents have. Love. Laughter. Children. A real family. A lifetime. If you can’t give me that, then give me a divorce.”

“I can’t do that. But I don’t want to lose you.”

I shook my head. “You already have.”

I turned and walked away, pausing at the door. “My parents asked me to come stay with them for a couple of days before they leave. I’ll go in the morning.”

This time, he didn’t argue.

Chapter 30


Snow crunched under my boots as I wandered down the trail. I stopped in a small clearing, recognizing the place where Jaxson and I had spoken on Christmas Day.

I sat down on an overturned log, gazing up into the sun. I wondered what he was doing. I hadn’t heard from him since I left his apartment. In fact, we hadn’t spoken since that night. I left the next morning, Ronan picking me up and driving me to Port Albany. I was too numb to even worry about the elevator, not even blinking as I stepped inside on my own. The last thing I saw was Jaxson, watching me from the end of the hall. He looked exhausted, but he didn’t say anything. Our eyes locked and held for a moment, then I pressed the button, closing the door on him.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024