My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 90

“Well, that was uplifting.”

“Simply being honest. Jaxson is correct on one thing. Love isn’t a guarantee. But the effort you make helps.” She grasped my hand. “The night of the cake tasting, Grace. You looked different. I didn’t know why, but now I do. You were happy. So happy, it showed. You were with Jaxson. If he makes you that happy, then maybe, just maybe, he is worth fighting for.”

“He also made me unhappy. And angry.”

A grin played on her lips. “It’s called passion. You were like a spitting, angry kitten on Christmas. Yet every time I watched you, you were watching him. Your eyes tracked him everywhere.”

“I was making sure he didn’t step out of line.”

She frowned as she poured another cup of chocolate. “Be honest with yourself, Grace. It was because you were drawn to him. You are drawn to him.” She tilted her head. “Did you see how devastated he was the other day when someone would talk about the fire? The what-ifs? He couldn’t bear the thought of you being hurt. That is not a man only interested in now. That is a man who needs you to be strong and show him it’s okay to open his heart.”

I took the cup from her hand. “Jeez, married a matter of days, and you’re an expert.”

“Damn right, I am. Listen to me for a change. Brayden says I’m the smartest woman he knows.”

“Brayden is still trying to get in your pants daily.”

She winked. “He succeeds, Gracie. Usually more than once.”

I stared at her wide-eyed, and then I began to laugh.

Her phone buzzed, and I lifted one eyebrow. “Speak of the devil.”

She grinned. “He is missing me.”


She paused. “Are you all right? I don’t want to leave you alone.”

“Really, I’m fine. I need some time to think.”

She stood, brushing the snow off her pants. “Gracie, I don’t want you to think I’m taking Jaxson’s side. I’m not. I don’t want you in an unhappy relationship. But if this for-now had a chance to turn into forever with anyone? It would be him. That man exudes love for you. I saw it. I felt it. And he will figure it out.” She huffed out a long breath, a white cloud of air swirling between us. “Do you know what he told Brayden when he asked him why he was so determined to keep you?”


“Because she is the only warmth in my life. Without her, the cold will destroy me,” she quoted. “That hardly sounds like a man without love.”

I gaped at her. Jaxson had said that?

She bent and pressed a kiss to my head, handing me the thermos.

I watched her walk away, her words echoing in my head. A part of me—a huge part—wanted to believe her. Despite everything, the fact was that I still loved him, and I wanted him to love me back. The question that remained was, would he figure it out before it was too late?

At the house, I ran into Ronan. He was coming down the steps, a huge sandwich in his hand.

“Hey, Gracie-girl,” he called, using my dad’s nickname.

“Having a snack?” I drawled.

“Your mom makes the best bagel sandwiches.”

I smiled. “Dad loves anything on a bagel.”

He swallowed the giant mouthful and grinned. “I know. I love anything she makes.”

“I know.”

“I was hungry.” He indicated the house. “I dropped off a package for you.”

“A what?”

“Jaxson sent you something. He asked me to bring it.”

“Jaxson was here?”

He nodded. “I saw him by the gates. I went to see him, and he gave me the package to give to you.”

I felt a flash of disappointment. “I see.”

“We talked a bit. He asked if you were okay. If you needed anything.”

For some reason, my throat felt thick. He had been here and didn’t ask to see me. “Thanks for doing that.”

He finished the sandwich, wiping his mouth. “I like him, Grace. He seems like a decent guy. A little uptight, but decent.”

“It’s complicated, Ronan.”

He pursed his lips. “Life is. But it must be kind of nice to have someone love you just because you’re you.”

“You don’t feel loved?”

“Of course I’m loved. I know that. But I’m part of a trio most of the time. Having that person love you only because you are you. I think that would be great.”

I rubbed his arm. “You’ll find it, Ronan. Some woman is gonna love you so hard.”

“Of course she will. I’m awesome.”

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Yes, you are.”

He began to walk away, then turned. “Hey, I’m staying out here for the next while. So, if you want, we can coordinate our schedules, and I’ll drive you in.”

“That might work. Thanks.”

He nodded. “Anytime. And, Grace?”


“Just be happy. Life is too short, you know?” Then he turned and jogged away.

Upstairs, there was a box on my bed, wrapped in brown paper. I lifted it, noting the heaviness of the package. Curious, I opened it, gasping in delight at the collection of Scarlett Scott books inside. I opened the note attached.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024