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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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“Yes.” He leaned down. “They know too.”

The partners knew of our marriage. He had told them.

Again, the word hit me. Why?

I didn’t respond. The room was beginning to close in around me, so I turned and headed to the door. I slipped into the washroom down the hall, turning on the tap and letting cool water run across my wrists. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour. He told the partners about our marriage. He accepted a partnership.

Why? What was he doing?

The door opened, and Sabrina Wells stepped in, meeting my gaze in the mirror. Her cold eyes swept over me as she approached. She reminded me of a snake, dangerous and silent as she drew close, ready to strike. Planning on leaving me bitten and bleeding on the floor.

I turned, waiting for her, letting the anger and confusion inside me build. She was going to be the one bitten. Thanks to something Addi said, I was armed and ready.

She crossed her arms, regarding me silently. I mimicked her stance, adding what I hoped was a smirk.

“What can I do for you, Sabrina?”

“You can cut the innocent act.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I saw you,” she hissed. “I have a dated picture. Jaxson was fucking you long before this supposed partnership deal was made.”

It made sense suddenly. The loophole he had mentioned. I shook my head and put on my poker face.

“He was a partner before you saw us, Sabrina. And why you should care, I have no idea.” I looked her up and down. “He’s not going to sleep with you, regardless of what you do.” I paused. “Your desperation is beginning to show.”

“You little bitch. I can have any man I want.”

I smirked. “According to the rumors, you often do.”

Her cheeks darkened, and she narrowed her eyes.

“But unlike the other men you go after, Jaxson isn’t interested.”

“I can make your life miserable.” She snapped her fingers. “You can kiss your career goodbye.”

I leaned against the sink. “You should really learn more about the people you threaten, Sabrina. Once my articling is done, I’m working for BAM. You’ve heard of them, I presume? They’re my family. My uncles. My future is set, no matter what lies you perpetrate. They wouldn’t listen or believe them. So, go ahead and say whatever you want about me. I don’t really give a care.”

I turned back to the sink and pretended to fuss with my hair. I was pleased to see my hands didn’t shake and I looked calm. Detached.

Sabrina, on the other hand, was furious. Her eyes glittered with anger in the light, and her hands were clenched into fists.

“But,” I added, giving myself one last look and turning back to face her, “you say a single solitary word about my husband, I will come after you like the devil himself stepped from hell.”

She blinked. “Husband?”

“Husband,” I confirmed. “Something else you don’t know. Jaxson and I are married. So, as his wife, I’m warning you. Back off.” I smiled widely. “And one last thing. Another one of my uncles is Halton Smithers. He had a lot to say about you when I talked to him.” I grimaced. “Not very nice things.”

Halton had cursed a lot when I’d called him. When Addi mentioned his name, an idea had formed, and he was all too happy to be on board with my plan when I told him what was going on. He had come up with an amazing idea. I loved his devious mind.

“Halton Smithers?” she repeated once again.

“Yes. He enjoys destroying you in court, he tells me. Oh, and by the way, one of his new partners is Lisa Thorne. You must know her—she specializes in personal law. She’s standing by to help me with a defamation of character suit against you if you so much as breathe a word about Jaxson or me.” I laughed lightly, my nerves beginning to overtake me. “Not to mention your harassment of him. She’ll be only too happy to dig into your ah, string of ‘attachments,’ and what they have to say about you. She’s a pit bull, that one.”

The door to the washroom moved as if someone was about to come in, but no one appeared, so I ignored it.

“I suggest you leave Jaxson alone. Forget about him. Forget about me. I’m no one to you. A law student. I’ll be gone soon enough.” I tilted my head. “And given Jaxson’s new position, he will have something to say if you continue your harassment of him. He’s been a gentleman until now, but his, ah, circumstances have changed. You come after me, and he will return the favor. And he is relentless—I promise you that. So is Lisa.” I narrowed my eyes. “And I won’t let him be subjected to the likes of you. Not to mention how displeased the partners will be when they find out. Do you understand me?”

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