My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1) - Page 101

Jaxson rolled his eyes but let him keep Kylie. He wrapped his arm around my waist, tucking me into his side.

“I wanted to celebrate this with you. To do something that would make you happy,” he said quietly. “And I know nothing makes you happier than your family.”

“One thing does.”

“Oh?” he asked.

I leaned up close to his ear. “Our family. You, me, and Kylie, alone together.”

His eyes glistened, and I was rewarded with his widest smile. “Mine too, darling. Mine too.”

He was more comfortable showing his emotions these days. At least with me. The rest of the world might still see him as stern and distant, but I knew the real Jaxson.

My Jaxson.

Kylie’s daddy—her favorite man on earth. Much to my father’s pretend dismay.

I watched Jaxson laughing with my parents, his arm firmly around me, keeping me anchored to his side. The way he kept me anchored.

He had changed so much, barely resembling the man I had first met. He was more relaxed and open. His love was unguarded, and he didn’t care. Even at the office where we were on display with colleagues and clients alike until I finished my time there. He had gone to the partners, asking to have me assigned to him the whole time I was articling, explaining that he needed to keep an eye on his pregnant wife, and they had agreed. Sabrina had left after a disturbing incident, which even the partners couldn’t ignore, despite her billings. It came to light during a messy case that she was sleeping with both her client and the soon-to-be-ex-husband. She used the information she gathered between the sheets, so to speak, to pit them against each other and drive up her billable hours. She and the firm parted ways immediately. Two new attorneys came in, and her memory dimmed quickly for everyone, especially me. I was glad she was gone from Jaxson’s firm and could no longer be an irritant to either of us.

He had been a rock while I was pregnant. Held my hair when I was ill. Immersed himself in my pregnancy, quoting books and facts constantly. Made sure I stuck to my hours at the office. He and Michael fussed over me. Ensured I was eating right. Catered to all my cravings. The day I was to write the bar, Kylie decided to arrive early. My water broke just before I got out of the car. I panicked, and he remained calm, pulling a U-turn and driving to the hospital, holding my hand and helping me with my breathing. By the time I was settled in a room, he’d contacted my parents, gotten word to the right people about the test, and was gowned and gloved, as anxious as I was to meet her. In the hours that passed, the only time he faltered was when the doctor decided I needed a caesarean. Worry and fear passed over his face, but he held my hand and stayed close.

“I’m right here, darling. I have you.”

We both wept when Kylie was placed in my arms, pink, wet, and wriggly. Seeing Jaxson hold her for the first time was a sight I would never forget. The wonder and love on his face blazed. She barely left his arms for the next twenty-four hours.

He still hated to give her up.

He had taken parental leave to look after her and me so I could recover. We spent hours with him quizzing me as she slept. He drove me to the test, took me out after, and held my hand as I lamented about questions I thought I got wrong. He was totally amazing.

All this from a man who insisted he could not love. That nothing lasted. Who knew nothing about being part of a family. He now embodied the term.

He often reminisced about our beginning, hated to think about our middle, and lived for our future.

Because now, forever was our mantra.

And he was my always.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Vested Interest - ABC Corp Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024