Wolf Island (The Demonata 8) - Page 26

“This body won’t last long,” she says. “A shell for my soul to inhabit. I’ll return to death soon, and return gladly. But rest assured, your uncle’s in far worse shape. I saw him just before I came here.”

I stiffen fearfully. “You’re lying.”

“No,” she says. “He was on a pleasure cruiser, although he didn’t seem to be getting much pleasure out of it. My new master decided to deal with Bec personally, and since Dervish and Beranabus were with her, they’re dead now, or will be soon. Just like you when your barrier crumbles.”

I start to press her for more information, but Shark grips my arm. “We’ve learned all we need to know. Time to get out of here.”

“But Dervish —” I cry.

“— will have to look after himself,” Shark finishes. He yells at Pip, “Now!”

There’s a small explosion. As the dust clears, Pip slips through a hole in the wall and the others push after her. I glance at Juni. She’s smiling.

“My team will catch up with you outside,” she says. “And I’ve another surprise lined up. I’ll wait here. I don’t need to be too close when you die.”

“Any last words for the board, Prae?” Antoine asks. She hits him with some of the foulest insults I’ve ever heard, but he doesn’t even blink. He’s loving this. It would be easy to blame myself for not seeing through him before, but he conned us all. Besides, there’s no time for self-blame. If we reach the helicopter before Juni’s soldiers, we might get out of here. We’re not finished yet — if we’re fast.

“Later!” I snap at Juni, locking gazes with her, letting her see how serious I am. I mean to kill her the next time we meet, as slowly and painfully as possible.

Juni only laughs with mad delight at the threat, then waves mockingly. “Run, run as fast as you can, but I’ll catch you, little ginger-haired man.”

“Grubbs!” Shark shouts. He’s standing by the hole in the wall. Everyone’s gone through except him and Meera.

I hold Juni’s gaze one last second, then turn my back on the mutant and her troops, and dive for safety. As I squeeze through the hole, I hear the sounds of dozens of feet scuffling out of the room as the soldiers set off to intercept us.

The race is on.

Running as fast as we can, Timas in the lead. He’s playing with the tiny console on his gun as he runs. He looks the least worried of us all.

“I can’t believe you trusted that charlatan,” Prae Athim pants, glancing over her shoulder at me.

“He told us you stole the werewolves,” I growl. “Based on your previous threat to kidnap Bill-E and me, why wouldn’t we believe him?”

“Anyway, he worked f

or you,” Meera chips in. “Why didn’t you see this coming?”

“Enough!” Shark huffs as Prae bristles. “If they catch us before we make it outside, it doesn’t matter who’s to blame — we’ll all be crapping bullets.”

We push on in silence. I’m finding it difficult to keep up. Although I’m fit, I’m used to operating on magic. It’s been a long time since I worked up a sweat. I’m out of practice.

I can hear Juni’s guards, their cries to one another. They’re keeping pace with us but can’t break through. We have a slight advantage, but it’s very slight. And if they make it to the yard before us, or if there are more out there already…

The corridor feels much longer than it appeared on the map. I start to think we’re in a maze, doomed to wander in circles until we run into Juni’s troops and are mowed down. I consider using magic to guide us out. But that would be a waste of energy. I have to hold it back. Use it only when the situation is truly desperate. Which probably won’t be long.

Timas bursts through a door and sunlight streams in. Finding an extra burst of speed, we hurry through, out into the yard where we fought with the first group of guards. It’s deserted except for James and Marian in the Farrier Harrier. As soon as they see us, James fires the engines up to full, readying the helicopter for a swift getaway.

We race for the chopper. I picture myself clambering to safety along with everybody else. We lift off, zip out over the water, laughing at our narrow escape, leaving Juni behind to curse and rant. But in my heart I know it won’t be that easy. And sure enough, before we’ve taken six strides, Juni’s troops hit the scene and the gunfire starts.

Pip LeMat is ahead of everyone, having overtaken Timas, so she should have been the safest. But she’s the first to catch a spray of bullets. She hits the ground hard and doesn’t move, blood already seeping from beneath her still form.

Shark and the others spin 180 degrees, even as Pip is falling, and open up with their own weapons. “Run!” Shark yells at Meera and me. “Get out of here. We’ll cover you.”

I start to protest, but Meera pushes me forward. “Don’t argue!” she shouts.

“We can’t just leave them,” I cry as half of Terry’s head disappears. He remains standing a moment, then slumps forward. Leo takes a hit to the shoulder. He roars with pain, but continues to return fire. Prae Athim grabs Terry’s gun and pitches in with the others, screaming manically.

“You heard what Juni said,” Meera snarls. “You’re the only one who matters. If she gets her hands on you, we’re done for.”

Tags: Darren Shan The Demonata Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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