A Discovery of Secrets and Fate (Chronicles of the Stone Veil 2) - Page 30

Blessedly, during our sessions, Titus hasn’t tried to push me to talk about the prophecy. He hasn’t even mentioned Carrick to me at all. I’ll admit, I’m curious as to what he’s been up to. He’s been silent on the business end of things with One Bean, and I assume he’s busy running his empire.

Or maybe, he’s just given up.

Part of me feels that—out of some sort of misplaced duty—he’s assigned Titus to make me as self-reliant as possible, knowing my danger probably increases every day that passes either from Fallon, other fae and daemons who get word of my abilities, or the prophecy itself enacting. Regardless, there’s a tiny bit of me that feels like a hole has been left behind by Carrick’s absence and I hate that feeling. I keep expecting it to close up, but it doesn’t, and he remains in my life by still occupying my thoughts.

But tonight is the night I’ve decided to put all that out of my mind. Tonight is about having fun and forgetting as much as I can. Or rather, remembering how good the normal parts of my life are.

Adira and I decided to go out for a low-key night on the town. Normally, Rainey and Myles would be with us, but those two lovebirds are wrapped up in each other and I find it adorable. Myles is taking her out to a fancy restaurant for a romantic dinner and then they are going to spend the night aboard the Fantasia. Myles asked for my help in clothing choices tonight and Rainey wanted my advice on how soon was too soon to show your kinky side in bed, which I told her I had no advice. Regardless, I felt like a proud mom sending them off to the prom as they were pulling out of the driveway with Myles driving Rainey’s car.

After they left, Adira and I jumped in my Subaru and headed into the city, deciding on one of my favorite dive bars in Pioneer Square. It’s casual, has live music, cheap beer, a small dance floor, and pool tables.

Both Adira and I are working tomorrow so we’re not going crazy on the beer, and what amount we consume, we’re losing in sweat on the dance floor as we jump, sway, and dance around together to the band playing cover songs from greats like Rage Against the Machine, Linkin Park, Shinedown, and Three Days Grace.

Breathless from dancing our butts off to Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon and because the band is taking a break, we move over to the bar for hydration. I order a bottled water since I’m driving while Adira gets another beer.

“I wish Rainey and Myles were here,” I say as Adira hops up on a stool and I lean against the bar with my arm on it.

Something cracks on Adira’s face, and I instantly know my words were careless. I reach out and grab her arm, squeezing. “No, I didn’t mean in any way that they’re preferable to you or more fun. I just meant it would be fun to watch them in this environment as they’re working through all this awkwardness of new love.”

Adira’s expression softens, her eyes cast down. “I know I’m not close to the three of you—”

“Stop it,” I interrupt, knowing where she’s going. “You might have only been with us this last year, but you are a part of our pack. I’m having just as much, maybe even more, fun with you tonight as Myles doesn’t dance and Rainey hates places like this.”

Her smile breaks free, and those were the right words. “Really?”

“Really,” I assure her. “And thanks for coming out with me tonight. I really needed some time to decompress.”

Adira nods in understanding. “Seems things are back to normal for you.”

As normal as they can be, I think, but I nod to her effusively and lie. “Things are great.”

“You’re definitely in your element at One Bean,” Adira says conversationally. “You were meant to take that over from Rich.”

My heart lightens, thinking of the shop with its wonderful smells, red-bricked walls, and eclectic array of customers. In fact, tomorrow on my agenda is some schmoozing and mingling with said customers, eager to get my face out there again and make connections.

I take a long drag of water when the bartender returns, recap it, and set it close to Adira’s beer. We’re both extremely cautious about leaving drinks unattended. “I’ll be right back. Going to use the restroom.”

“Gotcha covered,” she says, meaning she’ll watch over both our drinks.

There’s a small line at the ladies’ room, and I surf my phone as it inches forward. There’s a fizzy, buzzy feeling coming from behind me, so I know it’s either a Light Fae or daemon, but I ignore it. In fact, I’m getting so good at shutting it down I can even turn off the tap to those vibes after I first feel them, which is what I do.

Tags: Sawyer Bennett Chronicles of the Stone Veil Fantasy
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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