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Coming Home For Her

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“You’re a nurse at an elementary school.” This is true.

When I started college I’d been so unsure of what I wanted to do. I loved kids, but I’d always loved science too. I didn’t think I could work in pediatrics. Being a nurse at an elementary school really gave me the best of both worlds. I love that I can get to know the children and their families. It’s even better that I get to do it in my hometown.

It’s nice to be back. I’d done an accelerated program getting my nursing degree in three years instead of four. I wanted to come home. At least I think of Rocky Hill as my home. My dads moved us here when I was in middle school.

I think we all needed a change of scenery after we lost one of my aunts. It worked. We all healed, and a big reason I healed was because of the Meyers. I don’t know how we got so lucky to have a family like them living next door, but it was a saving grace for me.

I never imagined my new home would come with an insta-best friend. But Angel had been exactly that. We hit it off from day one. And then there was her older brother Beau. I swear that man was all I ever thought of once I hit high school. Even though I won’t admit it out loud, the same still holds true to this very day.

“And you’re not unemployed.” She shrugs, not caring. “I would have loved to see Logan give it to that boss of yours. That man acts worse than the little boys in my school. Being mean to the girl he’s crushing on.” I roll my eyes.

Angel put up with her dick boss because the job could open doors for her. Only to find out he was a dick because he wanted her. I swear I never saw that coming. What is wrong with men? My mind drifts to Beau. The same way it always seems to. I only let it stay there for a moment before I toss it right back out. I’ve closed that door, locked it, and thrown away the damn key.

Well, I closed it right after Beau slammed one in my face. I’d popped up over to Angel’s parents’ house when she got home for the holidays. Beau had the audacity to act as though he hadn’t known I was back in town.

I’m not sure what his reasoning was behind that. But I know damn well that he’s seen me over the last year! I live next door to his parents. He’s over there all the damn time! I know because I’m clearly a low-key stalker.

There is no way that man didn’t know I was back in town. I knew Beau could be closed off from the rest of the world and be grumpy, but I didn’t take him for a liar. Or maybe he’s not lying, and he hadn’t realized I was back. I’m not sure which one of those scenarios is worse.

“I should have quit that stupid job months ago and come back home,” I agree.

“Nah. That job got you here.” A smile lights up her whole face. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. California was not a good place for her. She belongs here too. I’m a little jealous of how easily she found a love like the one she and Logan share. I want that one day. I thought long ago I knew who I was going to end up with. It was a silly girl crush that I needed to get over. It was so cliché. Falling for your best friend’s older brother. I really need to get a life.

Even if I am a touch jealous of Angel’s relationship, I am still crazy happy for her. Plus, there’s the fact that Logan brought my best friend back, and she’s here to stay. It had me all but jumping in to help plan this wedding at the last second. If it keeps Angel here and that smile on her face that’s been missing for a while, then I’m game. I’ll turn myself inside out to get the wedding done the way she wants.

“Now it’s your turn.” She does a small dance in her chair as music comes on over the speakers. We’re at Skylark’s. It’s new in town. A restaurant that changes over into a bar around nine. There was no big plan for a bachelorette party. This is kind of it. Angel wanted something low-key, and I knew there was no way in hell that Logan would go for anything more.

I glance around to see if Peter is here yet. He is what sparked this whole idea. Well, after we’d downloaded this dating app thing and got scared. People are very bold in their profiles. I was starting to think I was really behind in this dating thing. Spending all your college years in love with a man who barely knew you existed while shoving yourself into your studies so you could get back home will do that to you, I guess.

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