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Coming Home For Her

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I’d never noticed it before. The clothes he wears to school do the man no justice, but maybe he does it to be less intimidating to the kids. He’s not built as big as Beau, but he might get a hit in. A vein in Beau’s neck throbs, and I change my mind. He’ll knock Peter right out.

“You need to calm the fuck down.” Peter doesn't back down. It makes me like him more. Beau could flatten him, but he’s not going to let some random man come at me. I mean, Beau’s not some stranger, but Peter doesn’t know that.

“Peter, it’s fine.” I pull on his sleeve. “He’s Angel’s brother.”

“Beau?” He glances down at me. How does he know his name? “You’ve mentioned him.” I wish a big hole would open up and swallow me. Beau’s eyebrows raise at Peter’s revelation. Yet he keeps that pissed-off look going strong. “When we were talking about the wedding.”

Oh thank God. Beau’s eyebrows drop as though he’s disappointed in a sense. I’m not sure what the heck is going on with him tonight.

“Well, she’s leaving.” Beau reaches out and snags me by the wrist to start to pull me. I motion to Peter that it's fine.

“I’ll get the bill,” Peter says from behind us. Beau stops walking, and I run right into his giant solid frame. He slowly turns around, causing the front of his body to press into mine as he pulls out his wallet. My mind blanks when I feel something hard pressing into my stomach.

He’s turned on. A flash of heat hits me as Beau pulls money out, dropping it down onto a table.

“Stay away from her.” He doesn’t wait for a response before turning around again. He continues to hold on to my wrist as he pulls me out of the bar into the cold air. His truck is parked right out front. It doesn’t even look as if it’s in an actual spot. As though he were in a hurry to get inside.

He opens the passenger side door for me. I debate if I should get in. That ends quickly when he lifts me by my hips and places me inside. He even goes as far as putting my seatbelt on before slamming his truck door so hard the whole thing shakes.

It only takes him a second to hop in and take off, leaving everyone behind.

“Are you taking me home?”

“No. Your dads are gone for the night.” My mouth falls open in shock. For someone who tends to ignore me, he sure as heck seems to know a lot.

What the hell is happening here and why is it turning me on?



“Where is it that we are going?” It’s on the tip of my tongue to say home. But I don’t answer her. I don’t want to scare her off. The smell of wild strawberries fills the inside of the cab of the truck. It doesn't do anything to help get my cock to go down.

That wouldn't be happening anytime soon. Especially not with her this close. But I had no other choice. There was no way in hell I was going to stand by while she was out fishing for a man. I’m right damn here if she needs one.

“Who was he? You’re not seeing him again.” What the fuck is wrong with me? I know I’m being a pushy asshole, but I can’t seem to stop myself, and she doesn’t seem to be too upset by the way I’m acting. Any control I once had has splintered into a thousand pieces. There is no getting it back, and I know that. This has been a long time coming. She is mine.

“Who?” She lifts her chin in clear defiance. There’s my little spitfire. I was waiting. The image of pulling over the truck and pulling her into my lap to spank her ass floods my mind. It’s a fantasy she can only pull from me. Hell, she is the only one who can pull any from me, but sometimes the ones I have about her knock me on my ass.

“You know who,” I grit out. I wanted to lay that fucker out. I was impressed he was willing to go toe to toe with me thinking I was some abusive ex or some shit. He gets a point for that. He could be a good man for all I know. The kind Carey should end up with. One that doesn't have a head full of trauma. But I can’t let her go. After feeling her against me inside the bar I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to breathe again without her close to me.

“We work together. He’s a good guy.” She comes to his defense. My hands tighten on the steering wheel. I can’t get her to quit her job, but I could have another visit with him. I relax a little, already making a future plan on how to handle this.

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