Coming Home For Her - Page 14

I watch as both Julia and Carey stand up. They hug each other and share some whispered words. Carey has relaxed some since she got Julia to agree to go stay with her parents and fill them in on everything she’s been hiding from them. She had not wanted to upset them, from what I could gather.

“Are you going to follow her home so she can pack? There will need to be a few cars put on both houses too. Will you be handling that as well?” If they don’t I will make sure it’s taken care of.

“Yeah, we got it covered,” Grant agrees.

“Thanks.” I give him and Miles a handshake before I head toward my girl. I think she’s a little shaken up by all of this, but she’s trying to keep it together. I’m happy her dads won’t be back until tomorrow for the wedding. Now she has no reason not to stay with me tonight. Not that I’ll be giving her much of a choice, but I’m going to try and pretend I am.

“You okay?” I grab her, pulling her back into my hold. The only reason I agreed to let her go to begin with was because she was only a little way across the room, and I wanted a few moments alone with the cops. I knew she needed to talk to Julia privately also.

“I’m a bit shook up, but I’m glad Julia is finally telling her parents what’s going on.” She peeks up at me through her curtain of lashes. “Aren't you mad at me?”

“We’ll get to that later.” I grab her hand to head out. I don’t let her go while she gets her crap and says her goodbyes. The girls at the shelter all eye me curiously. It’s not until I get her back into my truck that I finally relax some. The thought of something happening to her is almost too much for me to bear. The only reason I’m able to remain this calm is because I know she’ll be with me.

“We have the rehearsal dinner tonight. Can we not mention this?” Carey sinks her teeth into her bottom lip.

“The fact that we’re together or that you have some psycho after you?” Her mouth drops open. I want to kiss her. I want to taste all of that sweetness that I know is there.

“All of it,” she huffs.

“I’m not hiding us.”

“Yes, you are,” she grits out.


“Who was the girl I heard this morning? Do random women always pop in?” Her question is laced with jealousy. My cock gets rock hard, loving the fact that she can get that way over me. Fuck, now I want to kiss her even more. I speed up, wanting to get to her place sooner and be alone with her for a moment. The only thing that is going to take off the small amount of adrenaline I still have coursing through me is her. To have my hands on her and to taste her.

“Mom,” I answer.

“Oh.” She turns her head, staring out the window. I have to fight not to laugh, but I control it, not wanting to piss her off right now. It feels good to know she’s jealous. It gives me hope that I can get her to stop fighting this sooner rather than later.

“I’ll take you home and you can grab your stuff and pack a bag.” She nods her head. “You’re agreeing with me so easily?”

“I’ll feel safer with you,” she admits, still looking out the window. My chest grows tight.

“Wait for me,” I tell her when we pull up to the house. I get out first, glancing around before I open the door for her and lead her toward the house, knowing the alarm is still set. I put my key in the front door, opening it before I turn the alarm off.

“Seriously?” I shrug. Both of her dads trust me. I’m not so sure they should with how long I’ve been lusting after their daughter. “Can I shower real quick before we head out?”

“Yeah, take your time.”

“Thanks,” she mumbles as she moves past me. I fight myself not to grab her. I do, however, follow her up to her room. “You make my bed look small,” she notes as she pulls things out of her closet. I stretch out on it, watching her. So many times I’ve imagined myself right here in her bed. I try to think of something else because I know going down this path is not the right thing to do at this moment.

When she steps into her bathroom, I drop my head back, closing my eyes and listening to the sound of the water running. But all I can think about is her wet skin and the fact that she’s naked in the next room.

Tags: Lucy Darling Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024