Coming Home For Her - Page 20

I don’t know how I’m looking at him, to be honest. I scrunch my nose.

“That’s worse,” he grits out, making me giggle. A knock at the door has me jumping. Beau removes his hand from between my thighs.

“You two are going to get busted,” Elizabeth says from the other side of the door. Beau is shameless as he licks his fingers clean. My whole face flushes more. I turn, trying to leave but he grabs me and spins me back around to kiss me one last time before he frees me from his hold.

From the look in his eyes, I know it won’t be for long.



I read over the reports about Brock, needing something to focus on. This guy really is a piece of shit. His first wife went missing a few years ago. She’s either dead, or she ran from his psycho ass.

Julia is on the verge of leaving him with the help of the shelter. That has angered him, and now he has his sights set on Carey. He’s projecting all of his crazy toward my girl. Little does he know that he’ll have to go through me to get to her. He’s going to find out what it feels like when someone bigger than you beats on you.

I lift my head at the sound of the girl's laughter floating down the hallway. Just like that, the anger I was feeling tempers down. It's crazy how quickly she can flip the switch on my emotions. She must have some magic button or something. I’ve fought this for too long. When I’m with her, the demons that haunt me are nowhere to be found.

“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I shut my laptop, tossing it on the chair next to me. Logan sits behind his desk, waiting for an answer. I know I told Carey I wouldn't say anything until after the wedding, but I think Logan should know. Carey spends a lot of time with Angel. Logan needs to be aware of the threat so he can keep her safe as well.

“Carey’s got a stalker.”

“I know,” he deadpans.

“Fuck you.” I shake my head but can’t help but chuckle. “It’s a man from the shelter who’s pissed she got in the way of him and his wife,” I say, spilling the whole story to him. When I'm done, he picks up the phone and makes a call.

“Double the security tomorrow.” With that, he hangs the phone back up. “Angel and I leave tomorrow night for our honeymoon.”

“Carey doesn't want her knowing any of this. I don’t blame her. There isn’t anything Angel can do but fret over it.” Logan lets out a long sigh, not loving the idea that he’ll have to keep something from Angel.

“I hate keeping shit from her, but this is our wedding and honeymoon. Not going to let some asshole ruin that for her.”

“Agreed. I’m getting it handled.”

“You seem to be getting a lot of things handled lately.” He stands before walking over to the bar to pour himself a drink. He offers me one. I shake my head no. I want a clear head at all times. Well, as clear as it can be when it concerns Carey.

“It was a long time coming.” I sigh, leaning back on the sofa. I glance over to check the time. I had been fighting a losing battle trying to stay away from her. It was only a matter of time before I cracked. She was all grown up and making a life for herself. I wanted to be a part of that life. Hell, I want her to be my life.

“When I found Angel I realized I had been living in a fog. That I was only going through the motions. And putting up with shit from my family that I shouldn’t have. Then she was there, and I didn't want any of that shit touching her. A good woman shows you what life can be.”

If I didn't already think he was good for my sister he would have gotten me there.

“I’ve been trying to keep her away from my demons. Now I’m starting to think she’s the only thing that keeps them at bay.” I run my hand down my face.

“She’s in love with you. You know that, don’t you?” He throws his drink back before putting the tumbler back down. Is she? I think she might love me in a friendship sort of way but not as a lover yet. I’ll get her there. “But she doesn't trust you.”

“I know.” It’s a bitter reality to swallow, but I have to eat it. I did this, and I have to fix it. I won't stop until I do.

“You probably broke her heart a few times and didn't even realize it.” I jerk my head up to stare at him. “Think about it.” He shrugs. “She let you take her from the bar. She didn't really fight you. She’s likely had a crush on you for years, and if Christmas is anything to go by, you try to pretend she’s not there. That is until she turns away. Then you stare a hole through her.”

Tags: Lucy Darling Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024