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Opaque Melodies (Coveting Delirium 1)

Page 22

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“I don’t know, probably because I just worked out. More importantly, this is my fucking house.”

Disturbingly affected by his crudeness, I rubbed my forehead and moved deeper into the kitchen, away from him.

“Can I make a coffee?”

“Why are you asking me that?”

“I don’t know, probably because it’s your fucking house,” I mocked irritably. When silence stretched between us, I glanced at him about to apologize until I caught sight of his dimpled grin.

“You’re not as sweet as I’d originally thought. You’ve got a fucking mouth on you. I can think of a million different uses for it.”

Ignoring the entire last half of his statement.

“You shouldn’t make assumptions about someone you don’t know. Nothing about me is sweet, nor has it ever been.”

He dropped his eyes to my mouth. “I beg to differ.”

I was going to ignore that too. I went to the cabinet I’d discovered the mugs were in and grabbed the white one again, tucking a strand of damp hair behind my ear.

“Enjoy your shower?”

“What?” I pretended to of misheard, as if he knew I’d just came to the thought of his face.

“You’re all wet,” he stated, drenching the three words in pure sex.

I needed to flip the topic of conversation off me and onto something else. I set up the coffee machine to the best of my ability, hoping I was doing it right.

Alaric watched me the entire time, offering no instruction or comment. When I was confident, I had gotten it right, I turned to face him.

“You know, you’re not the gentleman I thought you were,” I stated, making a play on his words.

“Now who’s making assumptions?”

“An assumption is something accepted without proof.”

“Thanks for clarifying the definition I already knew,” he deadpanned.

“The first day we met you were the epitome of a gentleman, if not a little...” I fished for the correct word. “Controlling.”

He shook his head, an amused glint in his eyes. “I’m only a gentleman when it suits me.”

“And when it doesn’t?”

“I’m a man with extremely good looks, a big bank account, and an even bigger dick.”

I gaped at him. He didn’t bat an eye through a second of that proclamation. “You forgot to mention you’re also a bit of a cocky asshole,” I retorted unapologetically.

He laughed, then took another swig from his water bottle. Using the back of his hand, he wiped his mouth.

“You’re right, but not about me being an asshole,” he began. “You forgot to mention that I’m also the man who made your pussy extremely wet last night.”

And there it was. The unaddressed elephant in the room. I rubbed the back of my neck as heat bloomed in my cheeks.

“You shouldn’t talk like that.”

“I shouldn’t tell the truth?”

“You know what I mean!”

“Catalina you not only intrigue me, you’re a gorgeous woman. How long do you think it’s going to be before I make you mine?”

“Stop it!” I shrilled, pushing away from the counter. I couldn’t hear things like this right now. I tried to flee the kitchen, he blocked my pathway, bringing his body within centimeters of my own. I sucked in a small breath, inhaling the faint smell of sweat and men’s deodorant.

“We can’t do this. It’s not right. Maybe I’m an entertaining novelty, but that still doesn’t make it right.” I purposely avoided looking at his face.

“Are you trying to convince me it’s wrong? Or yourself?” He gripped my jaw and forced me to meet his gaze. His icy blue eyes struck a chord in my chest.

“You can keep fighting the inevitable all you want. It won’t change what’s going to happen. I’m going to fuck you, and when I do your whole world is going to change.”

“Alaric. You’re my bro--.”

“Nothing is ever as it appears to be Catalina. Especially that.”

The pad of his thumb traced my lower lip. “And you’re much more than a novelty. You’ll see.” Dropping his arm, he took a step back, the heat from his body moving with him. “You’ll be mine, and it will be beautiful, just be patient a little while longer.”

I furrowed my brows at him, it was the only response I could manage. His transformation from kind and chivalrous to cocky and domineering had me thrown entirely off kilter. And uncomfortably wet.

“Your coffees ready,” he pointed out politely, slipping back behind the mask of the man I’d first met.

My thoughts swirling in utter discord, I remained where I was long after he vanished from sight.


Ozzy Osbourne kept me company while I immersed myself in Meg’s things. I was doing my best not to think about what Alaric had said, which proved to be a rather difficult task.

He didn’t behave at all like a man that had just lost his wife. Instead of this concerning me, it only made me even more curious about him and my sister’s situation. Perhaps that wasn’t the logical reaction, but I myself was an illogical woman.

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