Hello, Valentine (Holiday Love)
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“I know you are trying to be honorable, dude. But fuck that. She is a beautiful girl. Someone out there is going to take her from you if you don’t get her first.” This is fucked up. “Just saying. Now can we stop being cackling hens and eat?” he sits. My stomach is in no shape to eat anything right now. I need to fix this. Screw everything else.
Chapter Six
Ugh. I swear if my phone dings one more damn time, I am going to throw it across the room. I have a splitting headache from lack of sleep. After my conversation with Drew last night, I ate with my mom and tried to knock off afterward, but all I could do was lay in bed, stare at the ceiling and replay our conversation. Let the feeling he evoked in me rebuild and stir as they stayed in one place with nowhere to go. Every inch of me cried out to feel his hands doing what his mouth ordered me to imagine. See why I couldn't sleep.
Stretching, I walk into the bathroom, spend a few minutes on my routine and walk back out. Who the hell is calling me this early? Grabbing my phone, I pick it up and see my friend Celia’s name. Oh boy. Whenever she calls, it is always about some gossip I just have to know. “Hi, Celia,” I answer, hoping the sarcasm gives her a hint.
“Don’t hi me, girlie. Who is the hottie?”
“What hottie?”
“Really, May. You are all over social media with this cute guy hanging off you, and you want to act like you don't know what I am talking about?” I am seriously confused right now.
“Celia, I have no clue what you are talking about.”
“Look at Alicia’s FB page,” she says, way more excited than she should be. See, Celia is one who likes drama of any kind. Opening my FB page, I immediately go to Alicia’s page and see the pic she is referring to. My mind stalls for a moment as it dawns on me, that jerk who took the photo at the bar did this. I am a bit annoyed, but then I realize she tagged me. Oh, God. Drew is going to see this.
“Oh, God.” I gasp, touching my lips.
“I know, right. You two look good together.” I don’t respond. I simply hang up on her and fall to my bed. My stomach begins to cramp, thinking of how he would feel. I know I would be devastated if I saw a pic of him with his arm around some girl. Should I call and warn him? Try to explain? But then again, explain what? It’s not like we are... anything really. Why should I feel guilty about anything? Especially something I have not done. Screw it.
Deciding not to let this upset me, especially since I know I did nothing wrong. Looking at the clock, I curse when I realize I slept late and should be ready for lunch with my sister in ten minutes. She hates waiting for me.
“May, are you ready?” shit. Throwing my hair into a messy bun, I pull on my Sweater and grab my coat and run down the stairs.
“Yes,” I tell her, putting on my coat. I note how she seems more agitated today. “Are you ok?” I ask her as we get inside her car.
“I’m fine. Just...have a lot on my mind.”
“Do you want to talk?”
“No.” figures.
“Fine.” I turn and look out the window, watching as the people on the street lull about. I can't help but wonder how many of them are walking around with their heart split open, bleeding out, leaving a trail as they slag through their day. Am I going to be one of them?
“May, are you going to get out?” I turn and see we have made it to the restaurant and parked.
“Sorry.” I follow her inside and to a table. She is unusually quiet, and it is starting to irritate me. If this is how she wanted to be, she could have gone to lunch alone. “Listen, if you would rather be alone, I can Uber back home.” I don’t mean to be a bitch, but she is not the only one who has stuff going on.
“I’m sorry, May. I am being bad company. I just..” she stops talking and fidgets a bit before she clears her throat and shifts. Before she fixes her face, I see a hint of worry and sadness. I want to ask her what is going on, but my sister is even worse than me. When she is dealing with something, she shuts down, blocks everyone, and doesn’t share. So, I don’t ask. She schools her features and looks at me. “What you decided about school?” She needs to change the subject.
“I haven’t decided. I did accept the admission so that it is there if I choose to go. I was offered the chance to move in early in like four days, and mom paid for it, but I...I am just not sure.” my voice fades at the end.