Hello, Valentine (Holiday Love) - Page 13

“Such a hot little cunt you were saving for me. So damn tight.” he leans back and grabs my knees, pushing them up and out. “ Need you to come for me, sis. Fuck. I can’t hold it.” his thumb rubs my clit, and everything begins to unfurl. Fire lights the inside of me, and suddenly I am thrust into a land of lights.

“DREW!! I’m coming. I’m coming.” I shout, my body thrashing back and forth.

“Good girl. Come and open that vacuum for me so I put my son inside of you. FUCK!! Shit. Squeeze my cock, baby sis. It’s yours. Take it.” he pushes in and out as the proof of our mating drip down my ass, squishing and sticky. “Maaay.” The last thing he shouts before he pours all of himself into me. It’s hot and wet, and the implications are not lost on me that we were unprotected. I don’t care. I want everything with him, including babies. He falls to the side of me, pulling me into his arms.

“Wow!” I say as my head lays on his chest as Heaven by Julia Michaels plays in the background. Fitting.

“I know.” he chuckles. “How are you feeling?” moving my hair from my face, he kisses my forehead.

“Sore. Happy. Confused.'' I tell him honestly. He moves over a bit to look at my face.

“Well, two of those I expected and am happy to hear. But confused...about what baby?”

“This. Why did this just happen? Is it because I cried? I mean, I guess I am just trying to figure out why now.” I ask him in earnest. Don’t get me wrong, I am ecstatic it happened, but I want to know if he is going to break my heart after.

“It was time. I have been planning for this moment for the last year. Believe it or not, I wanted it to be special for you. I figured Valentine's Day would be perfect.” he sits against the headboard and brings me to straddle him. I wiggle a bit, feeling him rub against my clit and bite my lip. “Behave,” he says as his face becomes serious again. “This was never not going to happen, May. I just wanted you to have everything. Then, I went and saw the parentals the other day, and they made it clear they would not support this, and I decided I wouldn’t wait any longer. I need you to understand I am not planning to derail whatever your dreams are...I just need you to be able to reach them here with me. I would lose my mind if you were away from me.”

“I don’t want to be away from you, Drew. My home is where you are.” I kiss him, showing him I mean it.

“Good. Because my intention was to come get you tomorrow and whisk you away to Vegas. I want you to be my wife. I want us to start our life together. Fuck everyone else. I know you deserve a wedding with all the trim, and I promise I will…” my finger to his mouth, I shush him. The tear comes as I laugh and throw myself onto him, answering him.

“Yes, Drew. All I need is you.” lifting my body as our mouths tangle for more, I lower myself onto him, and we both groan. This time though, I know where my future is going.

Chapter Nine


Two Days Later

Two days of uninterrupted bliss. For two days, we have been wrapped in our own bubble of wedded paradise. Yes. My wife. The morning after I claimed her, we hopped on a plane and went to Vegas. We both opted to send a text to our parents simply telling them we would be out of reach for a few days. Barring that, we said nothing else and turned our phones off.

She left the hotel for a bit to go to some boutique down the strip for a white dress. I thought she would be sad that no one was with us, but she said she didn’t care. Everyone that mattered was here. Us. So, in front of a nicely dressed judge, no Elvis for my girl, we said our vows and became man and wife. We talked and decided we wanted to save our honeymoon for the summer, so we stayed in Vegas for a few more days, and now, we are home. Shit.

Pulling up to our parents' house, I can feel the nerves pouring off of her, and it pisses me off. There is nothing that should be taking from our joy. “Hey, look at me,” I tell her, turning her head around. “It is going to be fine. No matter what they say, there is nothing they can do. This..” I pick up her ring finger and kiss the one that holds the two-carat princess cut with a matching platinum band on it. My dick goes crazy every time he sees his ownership on her finger. “Is done. You belong to me now. Not them, And I belong to you. We are about to go in there; let them know what it is and move your shit out. Got it?” She smiles tentatively, but I can see her appreciation for my assurances.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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