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Hello, Valentine (Holiday Love)

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“I got it. Husband.” she beams when she says, and my chest sticks out every damn time.

“Good. Let’s go.” helping her out of the car, I grab her hand, and we walk up to the front door. She looks at me before deciding to ring the bell. I smile, understanding. Her place is with me now. This is no longer her home. Using the key doesn’t feel right. “Relax, baby.” I lean over and kiss her, pulling back right before the door opens.

“Thank God. Where have you two…” her mom stops when she sees our entwined fingers. “Oh no.” she places her hand on her mouth and steps back, letting us in.

“Who was at the door?” I hear my father call out from the kitchen.

“Us,” I answer as we walk in. His head whips up and lands on me first, giving me his angry, disappointed stare.

“Decided to grace us with your presence, I see. Care to explain what the hell is going on here?” I turn to find May in an embrace with Lori, who smiles and nods at me, giving me her approval. She releases my wife, who walks towards my outstretched hand.

“We were married a couple of days ago.”

“You were what!?!” he shouts, getting out of his seat. “I forbid…”

“You can’t forbid anything. She is eighteen years old, and I have been grown for quite some time now. I am aware of your...edict on the topic, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is my future and always has been.” I feel her squeeze my hand, and I turn to my beautiful, soft woman and smile. She smiles back before turning and addressing them.

“I love him, mom. I always have. I had hoped you guys would support us once you saw how serious we are, but no matter what, he is my husband and my soulmate. We came here to tell you, out of respect, not to get your permission. I am going to leave here, with my things, and move on with my life as his wife. I just hope one day, you two will come around.” with that, she turns her back on them and walks upstairs with her sister to grab her stuff. Anything else she needs, we can pick up later.

“Fools. That is what you will make us look like. Fools. What about her education?”

“She wants to go to the University here. So she shall. You may be able to dictate to everyone else, but I was never going to let you keep me from my life.” I hear her coming down and turn to see her smiling at me. I will live my whole life just to bask in her glow. “Are you ready to go, baby?”

“Yes. Let’s go home.” grabbing her boxes; we walk to the door.

“May, wait. He’s your brother. What will people think?” her mom implores her, grabbing her hands.

“I don’t care. That is the difference between you and me; I never cared. Goodbye, mom.” I don't miss the sadness in her voice, and as much as I want to make it better for her, this is something the parentals are going to have to fix. I won’t let their shit cloud a moment of our lives.

“I am so happy for you two,” Cora says, hugging us both. “It’s about time. I wondered if I was going to have to kick your ass for breaking her heart, jerk.” she playfully punches me in the arm.

“I was trying to make everything perfect, not realizing that perfection is us together.” I lean and kiss my woman before we get in the car.

“Your turn now, Lori. He loves you, you know.” referring to Aiden.

“Whatever. Look. I have to go. See you two soon.” she leaves, running as usual from the subject. I’m not worried. He is going to get her: one way or another.

“Do you think she will ever stop running?” May asks me.

“Yea. As soon as Aiden makes her.” I chuckle, and she giggles. I love that sound. She leans her head against the seat of the car and looks at me.

“Thank you, babe.”

“You’re welcome. For what?”

“For not giving up even though people won’t understand.”

“Never, baby. There was never a chance of that. I love you more than myself, May. You have been a part of me from the moment our parents married. Their decision brought my destiny to me, and whether they understand it or not, I will always be grateful to them for that. Now let’s go home and christen it.”

Driving down the street, finally holding my Valentine, nothing could ever be as perfect as this.



Two Years Later

“Drew, please. I only have thirty minutes.” I whine, begging my husband to fuck me before I have to leave for class. He loves torturing me, especially when I am pregnant, because he knows I am always close. His mouth moves in sensuous motion over my pussy, slipping and sliding in the juices I am expelling. I am always super wet in my second trimester.

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