To Tempt a SEAL (Sin City SEALs 1) - Page 26

d his head, putting his biceps on display. Those muscles were like catnip. She glanced out at the beach and spotted a heavyset man probably pushing seventy wading into the water. Where were the Barbie doll look-alikes when you needed them?

“Some things are off-limits,” he said, his tone taking a turn toward serious as his gaze focused on the water.

“Like sex on the beach?” She sat up, scooping her sunhat off the ground and placing it on her head.

“Yes.” He swung his legs over the edge of the chair. “I’ll go get us some drinks.”

She angled the brim to cover her face and stared at the man who’d taken her senses by storm. He’d turned her world upside down by offering acceptance coupled with a sexual desire so potent that his name was linked to one word in her mind—orgasm.

“Don’t worry, gorgeous,” he called as he headed for the bar. “I haven’t forgotten about the umbrella.”

Chapter Ten

Cade stood close to the bar, cursing the fact that his board shorts didn’t hide a damn thing. But it was nearly impossible to hide the aftereffects of his plan. And his mind refused to forget the feel of Lucia’s ass pressed against his dick. Thanks to their little show, the need to have all of her, taking her every way she’d allow, rose up like the waves crashing onto the mock beach.

But this wasn’t about him. Glancing over his shoulder, he searched the sea of chairs lining the beach. The space was filling up quickly now that it was approaching noon. He spotted Lucia stretched, wearing the dress that looked like it belonged at a funeral. Every muscle in his body primed for action, ready to march over to her chair and banish her self-doubt to the ends of the freaking earth. When he looked at her, he saw the woman who had arched into his touch, not giving a damn if anyone saw. And he wanted her to feel that way again.

He turned back to the bar, unable to shake the sensation of being trapped in a hot zone without an extraction plan. He’d already betrayed his best friend’s trust once. He should honor Natalie’s request and keep his clothes on and his hands to himself.

But Natalie wasn’t here. If she had been, maybe she would understand why he couldn’t keep his hands off Lucia. It wasn’t just about his own lust, though she’d inspired plenty of that. He wanted Lucia to feel gorgeous inside and out, free to be herself without hiding behind a mask.

Shit. I sound like the freaking Mother Teresa of insecure women.

If the guys heard him trying to justify his altruistic reasons for taking Natalie’s little sister to bed again, they’d send him to the team shrink, convinced he’d lost it after their last mission.

And yeah, sliding his dick against her perfect ass had nothing to do with helping her find her inner beauty. He fucking wanted her. She’d offered one more night. And he planned to take it. He’d deal with the fallout later. Minimize the damage come Monday.

There was always the chance Natalie wouldn’t find out. And if he ran a little recon in advance, he’d be better prepared for the consequences.

“Here you go,” the bartender said. “One frozen strawberry daiquiri and one beer.” He set the drinks on the counter. “Anything else?”

“Yes.” He smiled at the twenty-something woman behind the bar. “I need an umbrella for the daiquiri, a pad of Post-it notes, and a pen.”

“Of course,” the bartender said with a smile that assured him she’d heard far stranger requests. “I’ll be right back.”

Minutes later, he returned to their chairs and held out a daiquiri outfitted with two little umbrellas. Lucia sat up and reached for the glass, but he lifted it higher. “First, lose the dress. I want to see you. You’re too beautiful to hide behind that black bag.”

“It’s not a bag.” Her gaze shifted between him and the drink. “It’s just not one of those skintight designer creations.”

“Please,” he said. “Let me see you.”

He waited until the dress hit the sand before handing over her drink. She leaned back against the propped-up chair, wrapped her lips around the straw, and sucked.

Her mouth is a work of art.

Before he gave in to temptation and replaced the straw with his lips, he pulled out the pad of Post-its he’d stuck in his pocket.

“Post-its?” She held the straw close to her lips.

“I’m writing my list.” He set the paper on his thigh and got to work illustrating his hopes and dreams for today, tonight, and every hour until she headed for the airport.

“You told me your fantasies last night,” she said, eyes widening.

He tore off the top Post-it and placed it on the towel-lined chair. “Gorgeous, I have a lot more than four.”

“Oh.” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her lips capture the straw and suck. He focused on the paper. The sound of the waves splashing against the shore filled the quiet.

“You said you had a sister in Coronado,” he said, looking up from the paper. “Ever thought about coming to visit? We have drinks with umbrellas down there, too.”

Tags: Sara Jane Stone Sin City SEALs Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024