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Relentless (Option Zero 2)

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It didn’t occur to her to call Liam. He had sent these to her and obviously intended that she open them without him being here. She opened the card attached to one of the boxes and read it.

I will be twelve years, seven months, and five hours late for our date. See you at six. PS: Open the heavy box first.

Giddy with excitement, she opened the heavy box and pulled out a statue of a lion. It was a replica of Fortitude, one of the lions in front of the New York City Public Library, where they had planned to meet.

A lump the size of Montana in her throat, she turned to the other box, already knowing what it contained. Removing the lid, she peeled away the tissue paper and sighed with delight at the navy blue dress with yellow and white daisies. Just like the one she had described to him that she would be wearing when they met for their date.

Taking the dress from the box, she held it against her body and looked into the mirror on the wall in front of her. Reflected was a pink-cheeked woman with stars in her eyes and a beatific smile on her face. A woman who had a date with the man of her dreams.

More nervous than he’d been in his life, Liam knocked on his own front door. The boxes were gone, so he knew she’d found them. And since he hadn’t heard from her, he figured she’d definitely opened them. What he didn’t know was how she had reacted. Or what her response would be for the next part.

The door swung open, and there she stood, dressed in the blue dress with the daisies. Much the way he had imagined her over the years. She’d left her hair down, letting it lie on her shoulders in soft, golden waves. Her face glowed with an inner light, and her lips, the color of the pink roses he held in his hand, were tilted up in a delighted smile.

He took one step inside and then halted in panic.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

He nodded at the floor. “I forgot to send shoes to go with your dress.”

Her laughter both joyous and sultry, she took his hand and pulled him inside. “Thick wool socks have become my favorite footwear.”

Handing her the bouquet, he said with all truthfulness, “You look beautiful.”

“Thank you. I feel beautiful. And you look quite handsome, too.”

That was good to know. No one had bought him clothes since he was a teenager, but since he hadn’t wanted Aubrey to know what he was going to do, he hadn’t been able to take any clothes with him to change into. Rose, bless her, had taken care of that for him. The dark gray suit and light blue shirt were a perfect fit, and the blue tie with tiny yellow and white daisies a whimsical nod to Aubrey’s dress.

He glanced over his shoulder and noted she’d placed the lion statue in a prominent place on the mantel. “I see Fortitude arrived safely.”

“He certainly did.”

His heart thudding with anticipation, he took her hand. “I can’t wait any longer.” Pulling her with him, they stood in front of the statue together. Removing the ring from his pocket, he held it out to her.

Her fingers shaking slightly, she gingerly touched the antique princess-cut diamond ring. His mother had sent it to him a few days ago with the demand that he bring Aubrey to meet the family as soon as possible. Since he always did what his mama told him to do, he’d already booked a flight for them to Missouri next week.

“It was my grandmother’s.”

“It’s perfect.” Raising her head, tears sparkling like diamonds in her eyes, she whispered, “You’re perfect.”

Liam shook his head. “I’m far from perfect, but I do have a perfect love for you. Aubrey Starr, my beloved Cat, would you do me the great honor of being my wife?”

Her voice husky, she answered, “Liam Stryker, my handsome, courageous Lion, I would be honored to be your wife.”

Slipping the ring onto her finger, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her with all the love and deep passion he felt for this precious, wonderful woman.

Although it had taken twelve years to get to this point, all of that was behind them now. His Cat and her Lion were together at last.

Thank You

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