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Heather's Gift (Men of August 3)

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And evidently his cock wasn’t about to forget either, if the raised material of his sweats was any indication.

“Maybe it would be easier to forget if you had gotten around to returning the favor, rather than worrying about my virginity,” she pointed out with mocking calm. “That was rather rude of you, Sam.”

He gaped at her, his eyes widening, obviously surprised that she would upbraid him over something he was taking such pains to forget. Not that she would have let him forget.

“Heather, you are aware you were attacked because of your friendship with me. Right?” he bit out, fury filling his voice. “Do you have a death wish I don’t know anything about?”

His eyes darkened, his cheekbones flushing with his anger.

Heather leaned back against the couch, her eyes narrowing on him.

“I’m your weakness. Do you think that’s going to change, even if you don’t touch me, Sam?”

She watched his breathing accelerate, rather from lust or from anger, she wasn’t certain.

“I don’t have a weakness,” he bit out.

“Oh really?” she asked him with a touch of mocking amusement. “I guess that’s why your cock is harder than dried oak less than six hours after a little limo sex with your brother and his lover. What happened, Sam, did Cade get greedy on you and not let you have any?”

She was pushing him, and she knew it. But she was getting damned sick of the continual charade playing out between them. She was as much a prisoner to that damned stalker as he was, and she was getting sick of it.

“Cade doesn’t get greedy where his brothers are concerned, Heather.” His voice dropped, but there was no disguising the sneer in his tone. “Be careful, or you just might find out how much we do like to share.”

“Oh goody, a dare.” She grinned as though they weren’t talking about her in the middle of an August orgy. “Shall we see which of us is stronger, Sam? Can you make me want to share? Or will I make you greedy instead?”

She watched as he straightened. He did nothing to hide the erection beneath his sweat pants now. It was blatantly obvious.

“Oh baby, greedy will be the least of your problems,” he told her then, softly, dangerously.

Her heart sped up in excitement, the blood pounding through her veins as he began to advance on her.

“I’m a very greedy person, Sam. What about you?” She sat still, though the adrenaline racing through her body demanded action.

“I could be.” But he didn’t sound so sure. He didn’t look so sure. “But can you handle what you’re inviting, Heather?”

Could she? She sure as hell hoped so, because she knew she wanted it.

“Sam, I can handle anything you want to dish out.” Tara had always warned her that the day would come when her mouth would get her into more trouble than she could handle. Heather had a feeling that day had just arrived.

Chapter Thirteen

She had no idea how desperately he wanted her, Sam thought as he watched the deliberate provocation in her eyes. She was daring him as though it were a game, as though there would be no casualties, no pain involved. But there was, and he knew it. He faced it daily with Marly and Sarah. The knowledge of what they were doing to those beautiful, loving women destroyed his soul.

Yet, here she sat, daring him, as though the dare could be called back as easily as saying the words. She had been in the August household as a bodyguard long enough to catch the subtle

hints of what defiance and a sexual challenge did to them. Sarah and Marly teasingly defied them on a daily level, keeping them focused on the here and now, rather than the past. And the challenges always fired their sexuality, their need to dominate sexually, to reaffirm their sensual control.

He crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned against the end of the pool table and watched her. Her green eyes were dark with arousal, her nipples peaked beneath the silk of the long gown and flimsy robe. He could see them clearly defined, hard little points tempting his hunger.

“Why are you still a virgin?” The question plagued him. He needed an answer, needed to know why she seemed so willing to give him what no other man had ever taken.

She propped her arm on the back of the couch, resting her head on her hand as she watched him curiously.

“I’ve never been with a man because I haven’t found one that could make me half as hot as a good erotica book and an even better toy.” It wasn’t the answer he expected.

He closed his eyes briefly as though gathering his strength.

“Toy?” he asked softly, his body tightening, his cock jerking beneath his sweatpants as though trying to slice through the fabric to get to her.

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