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A Forever Kind of Love (Kinds of Love 1)

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“I guess that means you know all the other heroes,” Mia said. “I've always wanted to meet Green Arrow. What's he like?”

“Boring,” Carter said quickly. “He's totally and completely boring and you don't ever want to meet him. Batman is way better. And stronger. And better looking.”

“Is that so?” Mia pretended to think for a minute before smiling at him. “Batman always was my favorite.”

“Good.” Carter grinned at her. “So, you want to see my Batarang?” He waggled his eyebrows and glanced down toward his saddle with a naughty wink.

Mia nearly fell off her horse laughing.

Chapter 10


Laura led the line of horses up a path away from the ranch. They were still in the foothills, but it was close enough to a mountain ride to feel on top of the world. Wildflowers, pine trees, and panoramic views for as far as she could see surrounded her. The scent of pine and dry grass warmed by the sunshine filled her nose. Peaceful was the best word Mia could think of to describe the beauty of the mountains.

Mia and Carter talked and laughed as they rode their horses. They stayed slightly back behind the kids, enjoying their private conversation. Mia couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed this hard. Carter kept cracking jokes and flirting with her the entire ride up into the foothills. This was the best day she'd had in a long time.

After about an hour, the path opened to a small meadow. The yellowing grass waved gently in the cool breeze with the mountains capped in snow behind in the distance.

“Who wants to go a little faster?” Laura asked the kids as Mia and Carter caught up with them. “This field is safe for us to run the horses in.”

“I do!” Lily shouted, urging her horse closer to Laura.

“I figured you would,” Laura said with a chuckle. She moved her horse so that she was next to Lily. “Use your legs and match the horse's rhythm as she goes up and down. Keep your hands low. You can rest them on the horse's neck if you want.”

“Okay,” Lily replied, mimicking Laura's movements. “I can do that.”

Laura grinned. “Start with a canter, then lean forward. Use both your legs to ask the horse to go faster- not the reins,” Laura instructed. “When you want to stop, steady the pace with your reins and sit back into the saddle. No jerky movements.”

“But that's what they do in the movies,” Alexander said, pretending to pull back on his reins. His horse looked back at him like he was crazy, but didn't react to him pulling on the reins.

“Movies aren't real life,” Laura reminded him. “Be gentle with the reins. Would you like someone pulling hard on your mouth?”

Alexander thought about it for a moment and then relaxed his grip. He leaned forward and whispered an apology to his horse.

“Ready Lily?” Laura asked.

The grin on Lily's face was huge. She looked ready to fly with joy. The girl was so excited she could barely contain the excited nod. It made Mia's heart surge. Lily's life was all about taking care of her siblings and surviving. She deserved some fun in her life. All kids did, but especially kids like her with the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Lily followed Laura's instructions to the letter. She looked like a professional rider to Mia's eyes as she urged her horse faster and faster. The sweet mare did what she was asked, even going to a gallop for a short time before slowing. The boys cheered their sister on.

Lily's cheeks were flushed and she grinned wildly as she returned. She was on cloud nine and Mia had a feeling this was the happiest moment of her young life. Mia wished she could give this experience to all of her kids.

“Good job,” Laura told her. “Anyone else want to try?”

“My turn! My turn!” Alexander chanted, urging his horse up to where Laura was.

“Okay. Show me how you hold yourself,” Laura said, making sure he knew what he was doing. When she decided he was ready, she rode alongside him, encouraging him and reminding him what he needed to do. Mia held her breath as Alexander took off, but Laura was right with him.

“We went so fast!” Alexander announced, breathless and grinning when they came back. “Did you see me, Mia? Did I look like a cowboy?”

“You sure did,” Mia told him. She was grinning at his excitement. When those horses ran, they were free from their pasts and their worries. If she had a million dollars, she'd have kids do this all the time.

“What about you, Grayson?” Laura asked, coming alongside the youngest kid. “Would you like to go faster?”

Grayson bit his lip and shifted his weight. He looked down at his horse and shrunk slightly. “Um...”

“You don't have to go as fast as Lily did,” Laura told him. “You can trot, which is like walking only bouncier. It's a lot of fun.”

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