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Cowboy Kisses (Kissing Junction, TX 9)

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“I understand, Baby Daddy.”

“Good girl. Now kiss me and let me eat my dinner. That steak smells delicious.”

She jumps up. “Let me heat it up for you,” she says taking the bag over to the cabinet with the plates. I take the seat she just vacated. She fixes me up and hands me the plate. Then she grabs me a beer. When she tries to escape the kitchen, I grab her hand and pull her towards me until she is sitting in my lap. I eat my dinner. January seventeenth can’t get here fast enough.

I have never been more excited than I am right now. Today is the day that I get to marry the girl of my fucking dreams. I stand in front of all our friends and family, waiting on her. That old Brad Paisley song, “Waitin’ On A Woman” comes to mind right now and I smile.

Finally, the Wedding March comes on. I am kind of in shock at how all this came together so quickly. Though I guess I shouldn’t be, with the Famous Eight on the job. I didn’t even notice Karlene walking down the aisle, but now that Lorelei is in my line of sight, I can't see anything but her. She looks like a vision decked out from head to toe in white. While she looks beautiful, I am not really liking the fact that her dress is practically see through. A few bits of slighter darker lace are all that is preventing the world for seeing her rosy nipples.

When she reaches me, I mouth, “you look --+beautiful.” Her little smile is sweet. “Thank you,” she mouths back. I take her hands in mine. The minister clears his throat and begins with a short prayer.

“Amen,” we say as a group.”

“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Gage Michael Evers and Lorelei Gilmore Codianna. They have written their own vows. Gage?”

“A year ago, I found my reason for breathing, my very heartbeat. As your husband, I vow to make your dreams come true. I vow to be there for you in sickness and in- health, even when we are rocking those matching Hover Rounds.” She laughs along with everyone else but rolls her eyes. I chuckle before continuing. “In all seriousness, you make me want to be a better man. I vow to love you from this life into the next,” I say finishing.

“Lovely. Lorelei?” The minister asks.

“God, it seems like it took forever to get to this moment, but I know it was just the blink of an eye compared to all the years to come. I promise to be the very best wife I can be. I promise to never give you a reason to doubt me or the immeasurable amount of love I have for you. I will love you, always. Forever is not long enough.” Her unshed tears spill down her beautiful face.

“Wonderful. Rings?” I let go of her hands to take her wedding band from Donnie as she does the same from Karlene.

“Gage. Do you take Lorelei to be your lawful wedded wife?”

“I do.”

“Lorelei, do you take Gage to be your lawful wedded husband?”

“I so do,” she says causing me to smile.

With this ring I thee wed,” the minister says, and I repeat him as I slide the ring on her finger.

“With this ring, I thee wed,” Lorelei says, sliding my wedding band on my finger. Her tears still coming. I will admit that seeing her cry in this beautiful moment causes me to tear up as well.

“What God has put together, let no man put asunder. By the power vested in me by God and the great state of Texas, I pronounce you husband and wife. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Gage Michael Evers. You may kiss your bride.”

Thank Christ. My lips meet hers, our tongues meeting. We are met with boisterous applause.

Later that evening, after our reception, I use my bow tie as a blindfold.

Here’s to hoping my wife likes her surprise.

Chapter Nine


I can’t help but laugh as Gage places his bowtie over my eyes.

“Where are you whisking me off to Baby Daddy?” He nips that sweet spot on my shoulder that I love so much then kisses away the sting.

“Someplace magical Kitten.”

“This whole day has been magical, Gage. It was absolutely perfect,” I say, sighing, laying my head on his shoulder.

“It’s about to get even better, Kitten,” he says when he starts walking.

“I hope so, Baby Daddy, you have some knocking up to do,” I say sassily. He growls and starts walking faster. A few minutes later he sets me on my feet, shutting a door behind us. His hard body pushes up against my back. I push my ass against his hard cock, and he groans.

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