Bombshell - Page 22

Merrick knelt down next to the tub, and she saw him gulp as he put his hand in the water. He started at the far end by her feet and felt around. It was so sudsy, considering she used almost a full bottle of shampoo, that he couldn’t see it.

“Where is it?” he asked, still looking extremely uncomfortable.

“Farther up. I thought I felt it just below my knees.”

Bombshell held her breath as he took the bait. The water sloshed as he moved his arm around, and they both gasped a little when his arm brushed against her lower leg.

“A little higher,” Bombshell said, her voice coming out in a rasp.

He stopped averting his eyes and let them fall onto her breasts, which rose proud and large above the foamy peaks of suds. His discomfort faded away, and his eyelids closed halfway as his blue eyes turned stormy grey.

He turned his body to get a better angle and, without taking his eyes off her, leaned over her and moved his hand slowly up the tub. Bombshell felt herself going wet, deep inside where the bathwater couldn’t penetrate.

“You’re getting warmer,” she said with a coy and sexy smile. “Warmer, hotter, hotter, oh God, so much hotter.” She licked her lips and held her breath, lifting her ass slightly off the porcelain. He was almost there, his fingers so close to her entrance. She watched his eyes spark and saw his lips part.

He pulled his hand away suddenly, sloshing water over the rim of the tub. “Oh, guess it’s not here,” he said. He was teasing her.

“No, colder, colder, freezing, please.”

“You mean, more this way,” he said. His hand landed on her wet knee, and he didn’t let go, moving his fingers slowly until the heat grazed the sensitive skin under her knee.

She sucked in a breath. “Warmer,” she said, her voice ragged.

He smiled and moved his hand so it cupped the inside of her thigh. Slowly, inexorably, he slid his fingers down her leg, inching closer, ever closer to her sex.

She stared at him, completely overcome with lust. If he loved her even a little, she could forgive him any transgression, past or future – so long as he didn’t stop. Her sex ached for contact, for his contact, and when it came, she gasped. Just his hand, resting on her opening, cupping her, warming her, made her crazy with desire.

“Am I getting warmer?”

“Yes, oh God, please, stop teasing me.”

His body now loomed over her, one knee on the edge of the tub.

She lifted her chest out and threw her head back, willing him to take a breast.

“You’re beautiful, Bombshell,” he said, and then his mouth found a nipple. She pushed her chest against his mouth. Her hands gripped the edge of the tub and she pushed her body higher, moving into him, rocking her hips against his hand between her legs. He was killing her, driving her mad, making her want him so bad. She couldn’t take it anymore. She moved her hand around his neck and lifted her face. His mouth sucked on the other nipple, so she found his neck and latched on. His head moved, and then their lips were together. His mouth on hers. Her mouth on his.

His tongue probed past her willing lips and teeth and met up with hers. They battled and danced and sucked. He pulled away slightly, so she groaned, her arms going tighter, pulling him back. Her teeth nibbled his lower lip. He moaned, then pulled away.

“No, please don’t stop,” she begged.

He put his arms around her and pulled her to her feet. She slipped as water dripped all around them, but he didn’t drop her. He placed his arms behind her back and legs, then lifted her up and carried her out of the bath. She leaned into him, her mouth seeking any part she could find, to lick and kiss and suck him. He carried her as if she was light as air, as she dripped all over his wooden floor.

When he placed her onto the bed, she was naked, wet and starving for more. She propped herself up on her elbows and followed him hungrily with her eyes.

“You’ve had a rough couple days. Interested in a little relaxation.”

“Oh, plea

se,” she said, groaning as she lay back against the bedding. Slowly, he spread her legs apart.

He knelt on the floor, and she groaned with pleasure as his hot breath grazed her sex.

“Please, please,” she begged, and shifter her hips towards his mouth.

She moaned when his lips made contact. Slow and blazing, he kissed her inner thigh, nipping at her entrance, probing and testing her edges. Moisture rushed to her pussy s she shimmied her hips, willing her sex onto his tongue. When his tongue dipped inside her, she almost came right there. Her hands fell to her breast, she kneaded and squeezed at the base, as if trying to bring forth milk.

As his tongue dipped and probed, and his mouth sucked and sipped, she heard hiss groan of desire.

Tags: Mia Caldwell Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024