A Study in Scarlet (Sherlock Holmes 1)
Page 29
[Footnote 11: "condonment": should be condonement.]
[Footnote 13: "wages.": ending quote is missing.]
[Footnote 14: "the first.": ending quote is missing.]
[Footnote 15: "make much of...": Other editions complete this sentencewith an "it." But there is a gap in the text at this point, and, giventhe context, it may have actually been an interjection, a dash. The gapis just the right size for the characters "it." and the start of a newsentence, or for a "----"]
[Footnote 16: "tho cushion": "tho" should be "the"]
[Footnote 19: "shoving": later editions have "showing". The original isclearly superior.]
[Footnote 20: "stared about...": illustration, with the caption: "One ofthem seized the little girl, and hoisted her upon his shoulder."]
[Footnote 21: "upon the": illustration, with the caption: "As he watchedit he saw it writhe along the ground."]
[Footnote 22: "FORMERLY...": F,S,L,C in caps, other letters in this linein small caps.]
[Footnote 23: "ancles": ankles.]
[Footnote 24: "asked,": should be "asked."]
[Footnote 25: "poisions": should be "poisons"]
[Footnote 26: "...fancy": should be "I fancy". There is a gap in thetext.]
[Footnote 27: "snackled": "shackled" in later texts.]
[Footnote 29: Heber C. Kemball, in one of his sermons, alludes to hishundred wives under this endearing epithet.]