Kandace and the Beast - Page 8

I have no idea from where he might have produced coconut oil. I shake my head slightly, trying to make sense out of what’s happening. I can’t. There’s a certain logic to coconut oil being available on an island, but it’s a flawed logic, and it doesn’t fit the circumstances.

Did he use it when he was cooking?

I don’t recall him cooking, either.

“I swear, it will be fine,” Bastian says. “You’re going to love it.”

I’m not as convinced as he is, but I try to relax as I nod my head and bite down on my lip. I breathe through my nose to keep myself in check as I feel the hard head of his cock slide up against me. He grasps my cheeks, spreading them as he leans over me. It’s a strange sensation as he starts to push inside of me. There is no pain, just pressure.

“Oh, fuck, Kandace…your ass feels incredible. It’s so tight. You saved this for me, didn’t you?”

“Only…you…” I grunt the words, barely able to make the sounds at all. “Oh, shit…Bastian! That feels….that feels…”

“Shh.” His warm breath coats my neck and back. “Just feel it, baby. Just feel my cock in you.”

I groan, and he pushes farther inside. He goes slowly, just as he said he would, and the sensation of being completely and totally filled is almost too much.

“Bastian!” I cry out.

“I told you,” he says with a grunt. “I told you it would be good. You like it, don’t you, babe? You like my cock in your ass?”

“Yes! Yes!” I scream.

He adds the pressure of his fingers on my clit, circling as he starts to thrust slowly. I clench around him, enjoying the moans that erupt from his mouth.

“God, Kandace! You’re going to make me come too soon. You’re so tight on my cock. It’s never felt this good before.”

His fingers move faster, and I push back against him. The pace increases, and my body begins to shake with the effort of holding myself up on all fours. I can feel his balls slapping against my pussy with every stroke. Bastian rubs at me with one hand, and the other reaches around to cup my breast, pinching my nipple until I’m screaming his name over and over again.

“That’s it, baby!” he cries. “Come for me!”

My whole body tightens, every muscle flexing to push harder against him. The pressure inside of me is too much. My clit explodes, taking the rest of me with it. At the same time, Bastian tilts his head up to the darkening sky and screams like an animal.

Bastian keeps his grip tight around my waist, keeping me from falling into the sand as my legs give out. He drops his head to my shoulder and slides in and out of me a few more times before he lets out a long breath. He pulls out, leaving my skin to the cooling night air, and lies on top of me, pressing my chest to the ground.

His weight becomes a bit much, and he realizes this before I have to say anything about it to him. He rolls to one side, his arms still wrapped protectively around me, and I place my head on his shoulder. We breathe in time with each other, and even our hearts beat with the same rhythm.

The fire still burns brightly beside us though I have no memory of someone adding logs to the flames. I roll to my back and place one hand on my chest to feel my heart beat beneath my fingers. The moon and stars brighten the otherwise black sky. The only sounds are our rapid breathing and the waves crashing onto the rocks near the beach.

We lay in silence for some time. Bastian strokes my hair, and I run my hand over his chest and abs, following along the edges of every muscle. I trace the tips of my fingers over the rounded curve of his bicep. I feel him flex the muscle, and I grin up at him. He’s so strong—such a completely perfect specimen of a man—he doesn’t seem real. I think about what he’s done to get into the physical shape he is in and look into his eyes.

“I know who you are.”

He tilts his head and looks back at me silently. His eyes narrow a little, and I quickly clarify.

“I mean, I know what you do…or did…for a living.”

“I don’t want to talk about that.” He sits up and wraps his arms around his knees, leaning over his legs and staring at the ground.

“I wasn’t going to ask you to talk about it,” I say as I sit up beside him. “I’m not looking for details, but I know, and I wanted you to know that I know.”

Bastian doesn’t respond. Instead, he stands and takes me by the hand, leading me back to the shelter as the wind picks up and s

tarts blowing the fronds around on the roof. We sit together near the towels, but Bastian’s eyes remain unfocused, as if he’s lost in his own thoughts of the past.

The wind is picking up, and the first drops of rain begin to fall. The moment we’re inside, the pounding on the roof drowns out all other sounds.

Didn’t I just see the moon and the stars in the clear sky?

Tags: Shay Savage Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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