Beautiful Liar (The Reed Rivers Trilogy 2) - Page 37

“Thank you so much for always having my back, Reed. When push comes to shove, you’re the one person—”

“You bet. I gotta go.”

“Hang on. Are you planning to have a pre-party at your place before the party? I’d love to—”

“Nope. No pre-party. I’ll see you at the party. Owen will text you. Congrats on your engagement.”


Chapter 15


I fling open my bedroom door after hanging up with Isabel, bursting at the seams to see Georgina. But she’s not in the hallway. Shit. Did I imagine her footfalls a moment ago?

But I’ve no sooner had the thought than Georgina emerges from her bedroom door. When she sees me, her face lights up. Squealing, she barrels toward me, leaps into my arms, and wraps herself around me like a monkey in a tree.

And that’s it. Without delay, we’re a frenzied blur of lips and tongues and hungry, groping hands. I clutch her ass, kneading it frantically, as she grips my neck and hair and grinds her center against my aching bulge behind my pants.

Still devouring her, I turn around and bump and thump my way through my bedroom doorway, somehow making it across my room and to my bed without toppling over or sending a lamp crashing down.

Like a man possessed, I lay Georgie down on my bed and begin frantically peeling off her clothes and mine, while she gasps and purrs and goads me on. When we’re both naked, I open her smooth, trembling thighs, crawl between them, and begin eating her with unbridled enthusiasm.

When I glance at her face, I find her looking enraptured... but with her eyes closed.

“Look in the mirror,” I say. “Watch me eat you.”

Her eyes flick open and train on the ceiling above us, and I get back to work, even more turned on to know she’s watching me. And soon, she’s losing her mind. Writhing, moaning, clawing at the bed. Until... bliss. I’m gifted with a screaming climax from Georgie that makes me dizzy with arousal. Panting, I crawl up the length of her writhing torso, place her thighs on my shoulders, and plunge myself deep inside her.

My thrusts are hard. Animalistic. Deep.

And Georgina responds by digging her nails into my forearms, screaming my name, and finally, coming hard. Not surprisingly, when I feel her innermost muscles constricting—milking me ferociously—it’s more than I can withstand. With a loud groan, I release along with her, blurting her name like a prayer. I feel dizzy with my pleasure. Momentarily blinded by it. Blissed out like I’ve mainlined a brick of cocaine.

When we finally come down, I heave myself onto my back next to Georgina, trying to catch my breath, and she gasps at the air alongside me.

“That was amazing,” she says.

“I told you not to knock the mirror till you tried it.”

She smiles. “You have the most gorgeous ass.”

“You have the most gorgeous everything.”

I stroke her arm. “I’ve got some great news to tell you. Isabel Randolph called me today.”

Georgina stiffens.

“To tell me she’s engaged,” I quickly add.

Georgina lifts her head and looks at me, but says nothing.

“To this guy named Howard Devlin. He’s one of the most powerful movie producers in Hollywood. He actually owns a studio.” I tell her a bit about Howard and the mega-successful studio he owns, concluding with, “His studio churns out blockbuster hits and Academy Award contenders, in equal measure. The guy can’t miss.”

“So, what you’re saying is he’s the Reed Rivers of the movie industry?”

I chuckle. “The reason I brought it up is that, while Isabel and I were talking about her happy news, I got an idea. What if you interviewed Isabel for Dig a Little Deeper? You know, in-depth, as one of the ‘audition’ pieces you submit to CeeCee?”

Georgina gasps. “Oh my God. I would love to do that! Do you think she’d say yes?”

“If you meet her and charm the hell out of her, I sure do. Which is why I invited Isabel and her new fiancé to the party on Saturday night. I figured it would be the perfect opportunity for you to get her to say yes to an in-depth interview.”

Georgina bolts to a sitting position in the bed. Apparently, she’s too excited about this idea to remain horizontal. “So, Isabel said she’d come to the party?”

“Yup. She also said she’s excited to meet you and talk about a potential interview.”

Georgina squeals. “You’ve already floated a possible interview with me?”

“Yep. To be clear, it’s not a sure thing. You’re going to have to convince her you’ve got the chops to write something worth her investment of time and image. And even if she winds up giving you an interview, you’re going to have to finesse her to get something that will be on-brand for Dig a Little Deeper. For all her social media presence, Isabel is actually an extremely guarded person. Very curated, if you know what I mean. Too image-conscious for her own good. But if anyone can break down Isabel’s walls and peel her onion, it’s you, Georgina Ricci.”

Tags: Lauren Rowe The Reed Rivers Trilogy Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024