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He puts his finger underneath my chin. “I’m serious,” he says, reading my mind. “Maybe it sounds crazy, but just knowing you love me back the way I love you, just being so comfortable with you . . . It’s like, each day is better than the last.”

“It is.” I brush my fingertip over his cheek. “I wish my dad could have met you. He would have loved you.”

“Aw, sweetheart. I’d give anything to meet him.”

“Have I told you my dad played in a garage band in college?”


“He did. When I take you to meet my mom, I’ll show you photos.”

“I’d like that. What instrument did he play?”

I smile. “Guitar and bass. Mostly, bass.”

He flashes me a radiant smile. And I know he understands. As far as I’m concerned, Fish was heaven sent to me by my father.

But before we’ve said anything further, my phone rings in my purse. I pull away from our embrace to grab it, thinking it might be Georgina. She left a voicemail during our flight, and when I called her back upon landing, I reached her voicemail.

When I see Georgina’s name on my screen, I instantly connect the call. “Hey, you!”

“I’m engaged!” Georgina shrieks. “Reed asked me to marry him and I said yes!”

I’m shocked. From everything I’ve seen and read about Reed Rivers—not from Georgina, but from the world at large—I thought Reed wasn’t the marrying kind. Plus, Georgina has said many times she has no desire to marry before the age of thirty—and that’s an age that’s still several years off for her.

“Congratulations!” I shriek, and then quickly tell Fish the news. I ask Georgina how Reed popped the question and she tells me the story in a long ramble that makes me swoon and squeal along with her.

“Reed wants to talk to you,” Georgina declares.

And two seconds later, Reed’s voice says, “Hello, lil sis.”

I giggle. “Hey there, big bro! Congratulations!”

“Thank you. We’re both over the moon.”

“As you should be. You two are perfect together. A match made in heaven.”

“We are, aren’t we?” Reed sighs happily, while Georgina says something incomprehensible, making Reed laugh. Reed says, “Listen, sis, before Georgie and I board our flight, I wanted to quickly tell you some exciting news. I saw a rough cut of your music video earlier today and it far exceeded my highest expectations.”

“No way! Can I see it?”

“Nope. Not yet.”

“Aw. Come on, big bro!”

Reed laughs. “Patience, lil sis. I’ve sent Maddy a few requested revisions, and she’s already hard at work. When the video is precisely the way I want it, I’ll have her send it to you in final for approval and/or requested revisions.”

“But I’m dying to see it now, big bro.”

“I never let my artists see their videos in draft. Too many cooks in the kitchen.”

“But I’m not merely your artist now,” I say, using my most persuasive tone. “I’m your lil sis.”


I flap my lips together. “Well, you can’t blame a lil sis for trying. Hey, can I put you on speakerphone, big bro? Fish is standing here, staring at me, wondering what the hell is going on.”

“Put him on.”

I push the button for speaker mode and Reed graciously repeats himself about the amazingness of the music video—only this time, he heaps all sorts of praise on me and Fish for our “adorable” and “sparkling” and “relatable” performances. “You two are gold in this video,” he declares. “Maddy wanted ‘smitten’ glances and smiles, and, man, did you two deliver in spades.” He chuckles. “And it sure doesn’t hurt that the footage of Fish singing to you at the Garden has gone viral. Even before this video, you two have given the world a cute little love story.”

“It’s all a master marketing strategy, Reed,” Fish deadpans.

“Oh, I know. Of course.” He laughs. “This music video is gonna go viral, sis. I’d bet the farm on it. Which means ‘Blindsided’ will rocket up the charts on the back of the video. And that means, my darling little sister . . . Hold on. Georgie wants me to put you on speaker for this next thing.”

Georgie’s voice suddenly shrieks, “Hello!”


Reed continues, “And that means, once the single is released, we’re going to want to capitalize on its momentum . . . with the release of . . . a full album, as soon as possible!”

I’m too shocked to react. I must have misheard that. Imagined it.

“Alessandra?” Reed says. “Honey, I’m hereby offering you a full-album deal with River Records! Do you accept? I promise the terms will be favorable.”

I look at Fish with my mouth in the shape of an O, before shrieking, “Yes! Yes! Oh my God!”

Laughing, Reed says, “You’ll get full promo treatment. The best production money can buy. I’m going to make my lil sis a fucking star. And not because I adore you. Which I do. But because you’re going to make me a mint, kid.”

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