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Fierce (Wolf Ranch 5)

Page 15

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“I’m here to work.”

“Not all the time, and besides, you work way too much. I’m sure no one there expects you to punch a clock or work on those crazy spreadsheets of yours all the time.”

“I’m sure they don’t expect me to screw one of the ranch hands, either.” I thought of Marina and what she’d said. Maybe there was one person here who thought it was a good idea.

“People have sex, honey. All the time. Get in on the fun.”

“I don’t do casual,” I reminded her. “I’m looking for a serious relationship.”

“I know you don’t do casual. You don’t do anyone. Levi can be a fling. A short term thing. You know going in that it’s got an expiration date. That’s good.”

I didn’t say anything.

“I’m not saying marry the guy,” she continued. “Have sex. Lots of sex in all kinds of positions. Use him. I’m sure he won’t mind.” She groaned. “Please, Charlie. Have. Some. Fun.”

She punctuated every word because I was a workaholic.

“Fine. I’ll think about it.” Maybe sex was what I needed. To clear my head, help me relax, so I could figure my way out of my situation.

“Say it. Say you’ll do it.”

I hopped to my feet, tossed the pillow aside, paced.

“Repeat after me. I, Charlie Banbrook, oldest living virgin.”

“Shut up.” I laughed.

“Say it or I’ll tell your grandfather you were the one who broke his favorite coffee mug.”

I narrowed my eyes, but she couldn’t see me. “That’s low, girlfriend.” Pops had loved that mug, and we’d tried to glue it back together to no success when it had broken when we were sixteen.

“Say it.”

Sighing, I muttered her words aloud. “I, Charlie Banbrook, oldest living virgin.”

“Good job,” she praised. “Will screw the hot cowboy living down the hall.”

I glanced at my closed bedroom door, wondering if he was standing outside again. I tiptoed to it, opened it and peeked out. The hall was deserted. Sighing, I shut the door and repeated Keely’s words. “I will screw the hot cowboy living down the hall.”

“More than once.”

“More than once.”

“I will have fun doing it.”

“Are you done yet?” I questioned.

“Say it.”

“I will have fun doing it.”

“And I will tell my best friend every naughty detail.”

I laughed at that, dropped back onto the bed.

“Fine. I’ll do it. But how?”

“Ah, honey. All you have to do is go up to him, give him a smile and say yes.”

Yes. Was it really that simple?

Maybe I would give the cowboy a ride.



Charlie was a virgin.

Mind blown. Dick hard.

I’d overheard her phone conversation with her friend this morning when she came in after mating the horses. At least her half of the call. I had great shifter hearing and couldn’t help but eavesdrop, especially after she said he’s… hot. Then when she’d continued to talk, and I’d learned so much more about her. Not just the fact that no guy had taken her before. That she didn’t see sex as something fun, something hot. Sweaty. Pleasurable. Memorable. Mind erasing. She saw it as a… a hurdle. Something that was unsurmountable. An actual problem.

I had to wonder if it was because someone had treated her wrong, but the more she’d talked, the more it just seemed she’d just never been seduced, never wanted to be seduced before.

Now she felt as if there was something wrong with her, and that was just fucking sad. I would never want a woman to think she wasn’t desirable. Passionate. Confident.

Based on what I’d heard in the shower the night before, she could get off and wasn’t shy about pleasuring herself. That was a good start. I was making it my job to get her the rest of the way.

Well and truly fucked. Mussed. Sweaty. Dripping with her need. Filthy with my cum. Screaming with pleasure. Again and again.

At dawn, I heard her get up and leave the bunkhouse to meet up with Clint. Today was the first day of hand breeding, and I knew the two of them would start early. I hadn’t dared join them, horned up as I was, and instead took a truck and went up into the hills to repair one of the washed out backroads.

She was here for work, and I wouldn’t shame or fluster her, even unintentionally, while she was doing her job. Of course, I wouldn’t shame her when she wasn’t either. Knowing now about her and sex, I’d made the right choice. Her work was work. What I shared with her would be separate from that. I would respect her in all ways, especially in this.

She was well educated, had a good job, was trusted in it. I wouldn’t fuck with that no matter how much I wanted her.

Besides all that, I had to get myself in check. I’d barely slept all night, tossing and fucking turning. Restless and frustrated. If I’d been able to shift, I’d have run and burned off the excess energy. Instead, I’d fought with myself not to smash down Charlie’s door and show her what should happen when she screamed my name. I’d hopped in the shower and rubbed one out, my cum arcing from my dick in thick ropes. It had eased my need. Briefly... because my cock stayed hard.

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