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The Knight's Prisoner (Medieval Discipline 1)

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He slapped her ass, but to her relief, followed her up onto the bed. Unfortunately, he caught her hips while she was still crawling, and entered her from behind. She could reach the needles, but with him behind her, there was no way she would be able to poke him. She reached for a needle, just in case—she could always stick it back into the mattress if need be. She gave him no encouragement in this position—just held still while he drove into her, hoping he would lose interest and require a different position. It seemed to work, and after a while, he grunted and pulled out. She immediately dropped to her side and rolled to her back, parting her legs and arching for him.

He made a disgusting growling sort of noise and entered her in this position. This time she used every trick she knew to bring him to climax—arched, rubbed, moaned and rolled her eyes. It worked—he started gyrating faster, and when he came, she reached up to twine her arms around his beefy neck, stabbing the needle into it and then immediately pulling it out.

It was done.

* * *

Ferrum had worn a path with his pacing. They'd been gone for hours. The rest of the party had laid down on their bedrolls, but there was no way he could sleep until she came back. He paced through the night, and at first light, he stood at the woods' edge, watching the road from Camelot. An hour later they appeared. The relief was overwhelming—he took a deep breath for the first time in hours. He gave a low whistle to let the rest of the party know, and started walking down to meet them. Dani ran into his arms, and he kissed her face, her lips, her head. “Thank God. Are you all right?”

“Aye, it's done,” she said, breathless from running to him. “I stabbed him with the needle and he went off to his chamber, hopefully to sleep forevermore once the poison does its work. It took us awhile to collect payment and Edwin insisted we would look suspicious if we left without it. I was afraid they'd make us stay the night, but we got out at last.”

He nodded approvingly at Edwin, whose face was alight from the excitement of his first mission. Pulling Dani closely against his side, he led her back to their makeshift camp, where Phillip stood waiting.

Phillip took one look at her and smiled. “You've done it,” he said triumphantly.

She grinned back. “Aye, my lord.”

“What now, my lord?” Edwin asked, jogging up behind them.

“Now we wait until we receive word he's dead. After that…” Phillip rubbed his red beard. “We'll return to Umbria for the troops and beat down their gate.”

“Nay, my lord,” Dani said boldly, then shrank against Ferrum’s side, surely realizing it was not proper to contradict the prince. She stammered. “Forgive me, it's just that I had another dream that was not a dream.”

Phillip eyes lit up. “What was it, Lady Danewyn?” he asked, smiling at the way she blushed to be called 'Lady'.

“You simply walked through the gates, and Sir Ferrum shouted 'bow down to the rightful king, the Red Fox has returned.' They all bowed down and accepted you.”

Phillip considered that. “Is this the day I take the throne, Dani?” he asked.

Her entire body shuddered with the answer. “This is the day,” she said breathlessly.

He picked up her hand and kissed it. “You were as brave as my bravest of knights last night. You risked your life for Briton, and she owes her freedom to you. You will always be the most honored of ladies in my castle.” He turned to Edwin without waiting for the flustered Dani to answer. “And you, lad, will be the youngest squire ever to serve the king.”

Edwin's eyes grew round. “Verily, my lord? Squire at age 12?” He dropped to one knee and bowed his head. “Thank you, my lord.”

Dani had recovered, and she curtsied her thanks as well.

Edwin stood and turned to Ferrum. “There were two men she had to service, but it couldn't be helped,” he announced. “And it was only sucking cock with Sir Andrew.”

Phillip cleared his throat to shut Edwin up. Bile rose in Ferrum’s mouth, and he felt Dani's body stiffen by his side. He pulled away to look into her anxious face. It may make him ill to think about, but she wasn't to blame. “It's all right,” he said firmly. “It was unreasonable of me to make demands when you were risking your neck for us all. I apologize.”

She blinked rapidly at him and took a large gulp of breath. He cupped her head in his hands and spoke softly. “Are you really all right? Are you hurt in any way, Dani?”

She shook her head.

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