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Alpha Bully (Wolf Ridge High 1)

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Definitely alpha, she’s right.

Nah, I’m good, she texts back.

“What are you smiling at?” Bo asks, looking over my shoulder.

I hide my phone from his view. “Nunya.”

Austin and Wilde look over like they know exactly who I’m texting.


I look back at my screen, trying to come up with a plan. I can’t be seen with her, not by my dad. Not by my friends. Not by any pack member, which is pretty much most everyone in the fucking stadium. Meet me in the Dairy Queen parking lot in a half hour.

I stare at my screen but she doesn’t answer.

That makes me smile, too. I like it when she gives it back to me. I like her spunk. Her smart mouth.

Those earnest tears.

My cock twitches and I toss my phone back in my locker before I get a full-on boner in front of the whole team. I hope she shows up tonight. She’d better, because if she doesn’t, I’m gonna make sure I find her, and there will be hell to pay.

And that makes me smile, too.

Not even the ass-chewing Coach Jamison gives me for throwing the ball too far brings me down.


There’s no way in hell I’m going to go meet Cole Muchmore in the Dairy Queen parking lot. I don’t know why my stomach is in twists and flutters thinking about it.

Rayne and I walk around the block to where it’s not quite so embarrassing to be picked up by my mom who pulls up in her Corolla, still wearing work clothes.

“Hi, girls, how was it?” she asks overly brightly. She’s thrilled I made a friend.

“Okay.” I slide into the front seat and Rayne climbs in the back. “Are you just getting off work?”

“Yes. I decided to work late since I knew I was picking you two up. Tell your mom thanks for driving you over.” My mom looks over her shoulder and smiles at Rayne.

I fiddle with the radio, switching stations until it lands on an 80s song my mom likes by the Cure, Friday I’m in Love.

My mom cranks it..

When we get to Rayne’s house, I hop out to give her a hug.

“Be careful,” she murmurs in my ear.

I pull away. “What do you mean?”

“You’re going to meet Cole. Just be careful.”

I hadn’t shown her the texts—she must’ve peeked. I’m not pissed, though. It’s nice that she has my back. “I’m not going,” I say quickly.

“You’re thinking about it.”

I shake my head. “You’re wiser than your age, you know that?”

“That’s what happens when you’re the runt. Plenty of time to observe because you’re always left out.”

I blink, gutted to hear her voice what I’d only sensed about her social life. “Fuck. I’m sorry.”

She shrugs and lifts her chin toward the car. “Go. Your mom’s waiting. Just be careful. Gird your loins.” She grins.

“Gird my loins.” I snort. “I think that’s my new favorite saying.”

“As it should be. Let me know how it goes.”

“I’m not going,” I insist, but she just mumbles, “Yeah right” as she heads to her door.

Twenty minutes later, I tell my mom I’m going to run to Dairy Queen. It’s a sign of how broken I’ve been that she’s delighted rather than shocked. “Are you taking the car?” The hope in her voice is too obvious.

“No, I’ll walk.”

Now she frowns. “That sounds like a bad idea.”

“Wolf Ridge has to be the safest area in all of northern Phoenix. Everyone knows each other around here. What could happen?”

Her eyes narrow. “Why didn’t you ask to stop there when we passed it on the way? Are you meeting someone?”

I tuck the pink chunk of my hair behind my ear. “Maybe. Yeah. I don’t know. I’m a little late now.”

“Well, let me drive you back there.”

“No,” I say quickly. Eighteen-year-olds shouldn’t be getting rides from their moms. It’s just stupid. “I’ll see you later—bye!” I run out before we can discuss it any further.

As I walk down the street, the conversations in my head run marathon loops. It’s a bad idea to meet Cole Muchmore. He’s an alpha-hole looking to score. He wants to use me. No, it’s worse than that. He’s still out to punish me because of my mom. And his dad. And what I saw and know about his home life.

But he’s also the guy who punched Mr. Brumgard in the face. And took me to the abandoned playground. And made sure it was okay for me to skip class.

And hasn’t told anyone about what happened, as far as I know.

So I can’t just write him off. And then there’s our very strong physical attraction.

I hit puberty at twelve. Got my period and breasts and hips. Fooled around with some kids at parties. But my sexual awakening didn’t happen until I met Cole Muchmore.

It’s like my body comes alive around him. I only just realized I’m a sexual being with needs and desires. And those desires could be fulfilled by my hot, dickwad neighbor.

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