His Queen of Clubs (Vegas Underground 6) - Page 59

“I don’t want to be away from my family, Vlad. Two of my brothers are expecting babies this fall.”

“I see.” My voice is strangled, but I’m not going to stop. Not going to give her any less than God and Mother Earth.

“Come back to the States with me, Vlad,” she urges, using my hair to tug my face away from her beautiful pussy.

I rise up over her and unzip my jeans, find a condom and roll it on. “I have Mika now,” I warn. “And Lara, the baby.” I rub the head of my cock over her entrance.

She takes my cock and guides me in, moaning softly.

I fill her, rocking slowly until I’m seated, then easing back.

“I love Mika. And you know I love babies.”

I brace my hands beside her head and pump slowly in and out. It’s still a religious experience for me, every sensation feeding the sense of oneness. My belief that all is right in the world.


I lean my forehead against hers, thrusting a little harder now. “Alessia.”

“You haven’t answered me.”

“The answer is yes. Always. To anything you ask of me, zaika. I want to be yours. Any way you’ll have me.”

Her head drops back, eyes close as the sweetest moans comes from her lips. Like she, too, is in ecstatic revelation.

And seeing her like that pushes me over the edge. I shift to white-knuckle the headboard and pump in hard, each thrust a punctuation mark on my promise to her.

I am yours.

Anything you ask of me.

The answer is yes.

She opens her mouth, thrusts her breasts toward the ceiling.

My balls draw up tight, thighs shake. She braces her hands against the headboard, crying out with each thrust.

“I’m not going to last,” I grit.

“What are you waiting for?”

I reach nirvana the split second before I come. Alessia follows, hooking her legs around my back and pulling me in deeper, the tight muscles of her pussy pulsing through our release.

“Vlad?” she asks, breathless, arms twining around my neck.

“What is it, printsessa?”

“Are we still married?”

I lean on my forearms and nip at her lips. “Yes.” I couldn’t bring myself to dissolve the marriage, even though I knew it was the right thing to do.

“What happens when you grow tired of me?”

My heart squeezes. Did it bother her when I said that? “That’s an impossibility,” I tell her. “A lie I told to convince myself I could let you go.”

She squirms under me, encouraging me to keep up the slow post-orgasm fucking. “I want a second wedding. An American wedding, with my family.”

I go still and she shifts to take me deeper. I have to swallow back the lump in my throat. “You want to marry me?”

“Again. Yes.”

I cover her face with kisses, humbled by how easily she surrenders her heart. Her life.

To me.

“Whatever you want, zaika. It’s yours. Believe it.”

“Mmm,” she hums softly, pulling me into her so I have to roll us both to the side to keep from crushing her. “I want to hold your baby.”

I lean up on an elbow and smile. “Our baby… if you want. Will you adopt her?”

She blinks back tears. “I’d like that. Will you adopt Mika?”

“Yes. I already had papers drawn up for it, but I was waiting for the right moment to talk to him.”

“Let’s go tell him now.” She pushes up to sit and scrambles off the bed. “He’s the one who tricked me into coming here.”

I didn’t want to leave the sanctity of our bed, but seeing her enthusiasm is enough to motivate me.

It won’t just be about the two of us. We’ll be a family, and there’s a sanctity to that, too.

Something Alessia’s experienced but I never have. Something I want to give my children.

Chapter 21


Vlad folds me over the side of the bed and smacks my ass. I’ve spent three wonderful days in Volgograd spending time with Mika, playing with the baby and lying in bed with Vlad. Oh and petting kitties. He kept all five of them, and they roam around the mansion like they own the place.

Tonight, though, he’s not quite as reverential.

A little bossy.

The alpha male is showing.

Good thing I like it.

“Ow, what’s that for?”

“That, printsessa, is for not taking your insulin in Moscow.” He smacks my ass again. “You didn’t think you’d avoid punishment, did you?”

“Isn’t there a statute of limitations on it or something? That was three months ago.”

He picks up my hands and pins them to my low back. Then he delivers a flurry of hard spanks. I gasp at the sting.

“What did I tell you would happen if you took risks with your health again?”

“You said if I left the house without insulin,” I correct. “I didn’t.”

He delivers three hard smacks, all in the same place. “So you do remember?”

Oh, I remember. He told me he’d fuck my ass raw.

The thought both thrills and terrifies me.

Tags: Renee Rose Vegas Underground Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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